MGMT-13192: dualstack SNO cluster fails to complete - getting error In dual stack installation we should set dhcp,dhcp6 kargs in order to wait for ipv6 address when node comes after reboot (#4914) #4914
MGMT-12863: Assisted Spoke install-config does not generate icsp with multiple mirror to entries (#4748) #4748
MGMT-12635: Add icsp-file support for all oc commands (#4684) (#4700) #4684
OCPBUGS-15253: Include namespace in prometheus alerts IngressWithoutClassName and UnmanagedRoutes #980
CCO-249: Replace GCP role with explicit permissions #844
OCPBUGS-25006: Updating ose-cluster-ingress-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #1006
OCPBUGS-24531: Revert “ OCPBUGS-24531 Skip CI for scope change until OCPBUGS-24044 is resolved” #1011
OCPBUGS-24531: Revert “Merge pull request #1007 from candita/OCPBUGS-24531-SkipScopeChangeTest” and add changes to skip test only for Azure and GCP #1008
OCPBUGS-24531: Skip CI for scope change until OCPBUGS-24044 is resolved #1007
MON-4129: adjust Prometheus classic histograms ‘le’ related selectors in rules defs and relabel config to accommodate the update to Prometheus v3 #1784
NO-JIRA: alerts: update APIRemovedInNextEUSReleaseInUse for 1.32 #1794