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4.7.0-0.okd-2023-07-28-113631 Download installer and client with:
oc adm release extract --tools Team Approvals:
No tests for this release
Loading changelog, this may take a while ...
Created: 2023-07-28 11:37:23 +0000 UTC
Image Digest: sha256:53550890148ec49fe9f3b6d8914183605d7a15026d3fd334274bed1ec6960d8f
Kubernetes upgraded from 1.20.0-beta.2 to 1.20.15
Fedora CoreOS 47.34.0
New images
Rebuilt images without code change
STOR-1437 : Mark the repository as obsolete #297
STOR-1461 : Remove existing path from .gitignore #294
OCPBUGS-22544 : CVE-2023-45142: bump to v0.45.0 #291
STOR-1276 : Enable support for mounting volumes with SELinux context #264
Bump from 0.28.2 to 0.28.3 #289
Bump from 0.28.2 to 0.28.3 #285
OCPBUGS-22357 : CVE-2023-44487: bump to master #290
OCPBUGS-21593 : CVE-2023-44487: bump #277
Bump from 0.5.9 to 0.6.0 #278
Bump from 1.16.0 to 1.17.0 #275
Bump from 0.27.4 to 0.28.2 #269
OCPBUGS-19157 : Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #268
STOR-1432 : hypershift: deploy controller with control plane release images #252
OCPBUGS-16783 : Chore: Update OWNERS #251
Bump from 0.27.1 to 0.27.4 #250
Bump from 0.26.3 to 0.27.3 #240
OCPBUGS-15823 : Change CSI RPC call timeouts #248
STOR-1065 : Rework sidecar bindings to bind common ClusterRoles #244
OCPBUGS-14824 : Bump efs-ebs-driver-operator library-go #247
STOR-1168 : Bump common libraries #222
Bump Kubernetes libs to v0.27.1 #243
STOR-1167 : Enable extra-create-metadata to tag snapshots #223
STOR-1300 : Restart controller Pods if metrics-serving-cert changed #216
OCPBUGS-11882 : Added safe-to-evict-local-volume annotation from bound-sa-token to ebs-controller #232
OCPBUGS-11882 : Added safe-to-evict annotation to aws-ebs-csi-driver-controller pods #231
OCPBUGS-13017 : assets/hypershift/controller_sa: Set controller ServiceAccount imagePullSecrets #219
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #217
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #215
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #214
Bump from 1.6.1 to 1.7.0 #207
OCPBUGS-8691 : Hypershift: set control plane operand properties #205
Bump from 0.26.2 to 0.26.3 #203
OCPBUGS-8752 : fix: typo #198
OCPBUGS-8752 : feat: add workload annotation to deployment and daemonset #194
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #195
Bump from 0.26.1 to 0.26.2 #189
Bump from 2.90.0 to 2.90.1 #190
STOR-875 : Implement custom keys in AWS EBS CSI driver operator #185
OCPBUGS-7837 : do not inject-proxy when deploying in hypershift control plane #186
Bump from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 #182
Add ok-to-test label to dependabot PRs #184
Bump from 2.80.1 to 2.90.0 #183
add dependabot config for gomod updates #181
STOR-1019 : Bump to k8s 1.26 libs for OCP 4.13 #179
STOR-947 : support disabling default StorageClass via ClusterCSIDriver #173
[#177] fix 404 in readme #178
Bug 2106736 : Add multiplePVsSameID capability #175
STOR-1078 : Add hostPaths necessary for SELinux mounts #174
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #172
OCPBUGS-4491 : hypershift: use correct kubeconfig secret #169
OCPBUGS-4347 : set TLS cipher suites in Kube RBAC sidecars #168
OCPBUGS-3990 : Add HyperShift specific priorityClass #167
OCPBUGS-3978 : Don’t deploy VolumeSnapshotClass in static controller #165
STOR-1040 : port to hypershift #159
OCPBUGS-1904 : Only deploy VolumeSnapshotClass when CRD exists #164
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #162
Reformat for go 1.19 #163
STOR-858 : Bump* and* #161
STOR-764 : Change the default StorageClass to the CSI one (AWS) #160
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #158
Bug 2089973 : bump libs to k8s 1.24 for OCP 4.11 #156
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #157
Bug 2074706 : Set custom endpoint environment variable if available #153
Bug 2049671 : avoid excessive GET and DELETE in ResourcesSync controller #151
Set CSIDriver fsGroupPolicy #150
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #148
Bug 2043130 : aws-ebs: Add external-snapshotter permissions to patch snapshots #147
Bug 2038934 : Add custom CA bundle support #146
Bug 2028484 : AWS EBS CSI driver’s livenessprobe does not respect operator’s loglevel #144
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #143
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #141
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #139
Bug 1998174 : Add StorageClass for gp3 #140
Bug 1993931 : Storage operators use older kubernetes client #138
Bug 1990146 : some controllers missing livenessProbe #134
Use generic deployment controller with additional manifest hooks #128
Start using “embed” module for static assets #131
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #132
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #130
Bug 1969538 : Include default VolumeSnapshotClass #129
Bug 1960732 : update manifest and readme #127
Bug 1947402 : Deploy multiple replicas of CSI Controller Service #122
Bug 1948311 : DelegatingAuthenticationOptions TokenReview request timeout #126
Bug 1951952 : Metrics for cloudprovider error requests are lost #125
Bug 1956411 : Add custom tags from Infrastructure #116
Bug 1947774 : fix imagePullPolicy to ifNotPresent #120
Bug 1948311 : DelegatingAuthenticationOptions TokenReview request timeout #121
Bug 1924470 : Bump Kubernetes to 1.21 #119
Fix kube-rbac-proxy image reference #118
Add metrics scraping #117
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #115
Bug 1933184 : Add maxUnavailable to DaemonSets #114
Updating ose-aws-ebs-csi-driver-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #112
Cleanup: Remove serviceName from controller manifest #113
Full changelog
Bug 1977481 : Dockerfile: repin libvirt #5043
Bug 1975819 : upi/vsphere: Use Afterburn guestinfo for static IP and hostname config #5025
Bug 1974282 : gather: collect networking information in log bundle #5017
Bug 1971163 : Updating AWS instance types #4992
Bug 1945467 : aws: allow use of unknown regions in known partitions #4807
Bug 1938426 : Set default values to machine pools before validation #4750
Bug 1967355 : pattern removed from sed to prevent expansion #4975
Bug 1956483 : Bump boot images for RHCOS fixes #4961
Bug 1947427 : add proxy params to bootstrap ignition #4830
Bug 1939014 : generate glance url considering the region #4753
Bug 1947216 : pkg/asset/installconfig/aws: Add iam permission for destorying clusters #4827
Bug 1948398 : remove ovirt_cafile from ovirt-credentials secret #4842
Bug 1962435 : aws: using dotted domain when looking for public hosted zone #4948
Bug 1940275 : Revert “baremetal: send full ignition to masters” #4767
Bug 1943500 : Bump gophercloud utils #4794
Bug 1958518 : aws: restore setting aws platform spec in infra resource #4918
Bug 1958428 : aws: support more auth options in manual mode #4914
Bug 1945907 : Byo aws iam roles 4.7 #4813
Bug 1954803 : aws: support for bring-your-own hosted zone #4887
Bug 1951571 : is no longer valid #4853
Bug 1954152 : manifests: populate aws user tags in infrastructure #4882
Bug 1935174 : RHCOS bump for LUKS, prjquota, etc #4791
Bug 1947122 : gcp: install google cloud sdk with yum the recommended way #4824
Bug 1933728 : baremetal: include netmask in DNSMasq dhcp range #4698
Bug 1930106 : bump ignition to v3_2 #4701
Bug 1922292 : [release-4.7] data/rhcos.json: Update boot images #4635
Bug 1924701 : Fix cluster destroy when byo is used with Kuryr #4616
Bug 1909978 : update ignore-volume-az documentation #4617
Bug 1916692 : OpenStack: Delete leftover LBs when destroying cluster #4563
Bug 1919407 : openstack/validation: enforce control plane size #4585
Bug 1909978 : update documentation for ignore-volume-az usage #4603
Bug 1896218 : remove GCP role bindings before service accounts #4602
Bug 1921911 : Revert “Merge pull request #4589 from patrickdillon/bz-1896218-gcp-se… #4600
Bug 1921655 : OpenStack: fix error handling for cloudinfo #4599
Bug 1896218 : remove GCP role bindings before service accounts #4589
Updating ose-installer-artifacts builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4546
maintenance: remove pools and volumes #3620
Bug 1810438 : oVirt: Add missing piece for gathering bootstrap IP info #4524
Updating ose-baremetal-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4544
Updating ose-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4543
Bug 1920243 : disable anonymous auth on bootstrap nodes #4590
Bug 1917101 : UPI ovirt - remove RHCOS image from Network req #4577
Bug 1893117 : terraform/vsphereprivate: ignore hosts in maintenance mode #4566
Bug 1919072 : AWS cloudformation change protocol from ESP to 50 #4583
Bug 1916938 : tolerate equal APIFloatingIP and LbFloatingIP #4575
Bug 1907822 : Don’t panic on bad data in quota validations #4483
Bug 1912828 : Rebase on the latest terraform provider/go-ovirt #4562
Bug 1916373 : upi: allow IPsec ports #4552
Bug 1915460 : ovirt: validate cluster name during install #4537
Bug 1910244 : Go mod update for golang crypto #4569
Bug 1915617 : update boot images for various fixes #4540
Bug 1909502 : pkg/asset/manifests: remove etcd records from proxy config #4518
Bug 1915998 : Set Additional Control Plane Security Groups on Bootstrap Node #4551
Bug 1916271 : openstack known issues: ControlPlane anti-affinity #4548
Bug 1813949 : ignore local env variables when we create a service client #4426
Bug 1916505 : AWS IPI: Add IPsec master-to-worker flows #4554
Bug 1908468 : azure/validation: some memory values are float and not int #4530
Bug 1908583 : Set same additional networks on Bootstrap as Control Plane #4528
Bug 1914439 : OpenStack Port Create Typo in SRIOV Docs #4529
Bug 1909587 : openstack: Create Control plane nodes sequentially #4522
Bug 1910127 : ovirt: UPI doc improvements #4498
Bug 1913151 : KubeVirt user docs: change role example - add “update” verb to VM #4521
Bug 1910070 : Set termination_grace_period_seconds to 10 minutes #4511
Bug 1786314 : bump gophercloud/utils #4486
Bug 1911819 : Fix docs/user/kubevirt/install-config.yaml to pass ./hack/ #4519
Bug 1911819 : Add kubevirt user documentation #4516
Bug 1908743 : Add validation that the KubeMacPool component is enabled for the namespace #4509
Bug 1910049 : Revert “openstack UPI: Use ansible-galaxy” #4506
Bug 1882022 : installconfig: enable vsphere folders for datacenters and clusters. #4493
Bug 1908782 : terraform: Add rules to allow internal IPsec traffic #4491
Bug 1908171 : fix Terraform issue with GCP custom machine types #4496
Bug 1907947 : cloud-creds-secret creation with current context info only #4484
Bug 1907628 : OpenStack Documentation for MachineSets with Multiple Networks #4463
Bug 1906517 : OpenStack: Skip collecting info for empty subnet IDs #4474
Bug 1908280 : update docs for Cinder AZs #4487
Bug 1907621 : Bump cluster-api-provider-kubevirt version #4479
Bug 1890228 : pkg/destroy/aws: Pass destroy if HostedZone does not exist #4477
Bug 1906459 : openstack: fix quota checks when they’re unlimited #4470
Update GCP Customization doc to reflect CMEK additions #4468
Openstack: describes how to enable qemu agent for UPI. #4441
oVirt: update team members #4464
Bug 1904663 : Fix comparison in pointer ignition customization asset #4455
openstack: Test Nova AZ manifest generation #4459
do not generate the cloud cred secret when credentialsMode is Manual #4416
update gophercloud/utils & terraform/provider-openstack #4457
hack/ Fail early if error #4421
Bug 1899175 : data/rhcos.json: Update boot images for RHEL 8.3 #4414
Openstack primary subnet using machine spec #4346
Deprecate computeFlavor in OpenStack platform #4321
openstack: Test manifest creation #4431
openstack: Allow to skip pre-flight validations #4452
Bug 1900138 : Removed support for insecure mode for oVirt/RHV installation #4404
openstack: check quotas before creating cluster #4432
OpenStack: Adds clusterOSImageProperties to install-config.yaml #4401
Bug 1904125 : Ensure the bootstrap ignition libvirt pool defaults to <clustername>.<id>.bootstrap rather than ‘default’ #4448
Bug 1868748 : baremetal: rename JSON field for ClusterProvisioningIP #4053
Add KubeVirt platform as infrastructure for Openshift installation #4350
cloudproviderconfig: Refactor openstack #4447
Pass CLUSTER_PROFILE env var to CVO render #4444
vSphere Destroy: add log messages for tag destruction #4407
baremetal: send full ignition to masters #4427
asset/installconfig/Azure: Validate install-config instance types #4419
Update MCO doc references #4445
baremetal: Add ironic logwatch containers #4437
Create SR-IOV UPI Docs #4439
docs: update docs/design/resource_dep.svg #4443
Bug 1903277 : destroy/aws: remove rules from default security group #4440
Set default release image to 4.7 #4409
baremetal: make cluster provisioning IP optional #4429
pkg/asset/quota: Typo in warning message presented to user #4430
Create a machineconfig for IPI pointer ignition customizations #4413
vSphere Docs: Update to include Permissions #4393
OSASINFRA-902 : Update OpenStack Custom External LB and DNS Docs #4389
baremetal: correct the cacheImageURL when we don’t have a provisioningIP #4408
Bug 1895874 : Use oVirt Engine certificate verified by the user for installation #4387
Bug 1899853 : openstack: CP nodes port to use addtional SGs #4411
baremetal: Handle xz filenames for OKD #4392
Support user provided service-account-signing-key and issuer #4373
pkg: validation for previously existing ovirt configuration #4354
Bug 1898194 : installconfig/gcp/validation: handle custom machine types #4386
baremetal: when networking is disabled make the bootstrap provisioning ip optional #4390
Bug 1898238 : Validate the the API and Ingress FIPs are not the same #4385
Bug 1848945 : OpenStack - Documentation for adding worker nodes using ansible #4205
Bug 1813012 : Remove unused etcd discovery domain #4067
Bug 1894432 : oVirt, add timeout to tmp_import_vm #4341
baremetal: validate that macs are EUI-48 and unicast #4378
Bug 1855351 : standardize interrupt error messages #4360
Stop validating DefaultMachinePlatform #4391
Bug 1889779 : vSphere destroy: handle failed clusters #4388
openstack UPI: Use ansible-galaxy #4379
Updating ose-baremetal-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4370
Correcting normal typos #4363
Bug 1891543 : openstack: remove platform flavor validation #4383
baremetal: remove root_gb from tfvars #4319
Cleanup: make conversion functions private #4376
Bug 1888464 : add tag:UnTagResource perm for aws shared networks #4371
Remove the secrets directory recursively #4369
doc/openstack: update quota reqs for kuryr #4362
Fix ‘troubleshooting’ typo #4365
libvirt: Bump bootstrap size (primarily for OKD) #4364
data/data/aws/route53: use CNAME for us-iso-east-1 region #4367
Bug 1886435 : Fix azure UPI az group deployment deprecation #4366
asset/installconfig/gcp: Validate install-config instance types #4329
Use ‘’ instead of SecretTypeTLS which is not being substituted #4342
aws: support custom trust bundle for c2s regions #4335
pkg/asset/cluster/aws: switch to ec2 tagging API #4356
Bug 1867165 : baremetal: allow configuring bootstrap mac addresses #4052
doc/openstack/UPI: improvements #4355
Small corrections in ovirt/ #4353
data/bootstrap/files/usr/local/bin/installer-gather: Tee logs into tarball #4345
data/manifests/bootkube/cvo-overrides: Bump default to stable-4.7 #4347
owners: Add mdbooth to openstack-approvers #4348
owners: add dhellmann to baremetal-approvers/reviewers #4343
data/manifests/bootkube/cvo-overrides: Drop the explicit upstream #4112
Bug 1891543 : openstack: consider volumes for storage requirements checks #4323
Document how to deploy cluster with BM and VM workers #4336
Wrap errors after OpenStack creds validation #4338
Bug 1855351 : Handle CTRL+C in GCP survey #4334
Bug 1894144 : baremetal: pin libvirt to 4.5.0 #4339
cmd/openshift-install/create: Use library-go’s IngressURI helper #4245
Bug 1888378 : Ignore error if resource group already deleted #4325
Bug 1887863 : Patch Flavor Not Found validation for OpenStack Install Config #4289
Use authentication for Ironic on baremetal bootstrap host #4256
Bug 1841381 : oVirt, add memoryMB validation #4309
Bug 1878374 : Adding more nitro and the AMD instance types (AWS, UPI) #4327
Bug 1866925 : display Azure destroy auth error #4331
openstack: fixup markdown #4328
Revert “[Azure][Destroy] Check if resource group exists” #4322
Add Encryption Key reference to GCP MachinePool API #4318
aws: block cluster destroy in c2s region #4316
aws: ensure users set ami id for c2s regions #4315
Bug 1891702 : pkg/asset/ignition/bootstrap: exit loop if pem.Decode() fails #4317
Bug 1888378 : [Azure][Destroy] Check if resource group exists #4320
oVirt: change owners #4311
Code cleanup and optimizations #4272
Bug 1889267 : oVirt, increase terraform template and release image timeout to 20m #4285
install-approvers: add staebler #4297
Bug 1880443 : allow providing client options when generating OpenStack MachineSets #4196
openstack: Update CI base image #4291
pkg/asset/installconfig/aws: Validate install-config instance type #4258
go.mod Update #4294
Bug 1836017 : Configure haproxy to check /readyz #4012
Bug 1870728 : pkg/asset/ignition/bootstrap: Display warning if certificates are expired #4287
Bug 1889852 : add new AWS regions #4288
Bug 1877116 : aws: use file for bootstrap ign when uploading to s3 #4281
Bug 1886553 : GCP - Increase worker NAT min ports #4273
cmd: split newlines in logrus stderr output to new entry #4282
openstack: Add a new team member #4290
Bug 1882649 : Determine Glance disk format based on file extension #4279
vSphere: Update dockerfile removing certificate #4274
Update - Broken Link - Spelling #4278
OpenStack: remove legacy image validation #4277
Bug 1882844 : vsphere destroy: delete tag category created by installer #4265
Bug 1878900 : openstack: Fix error messages in flavor validation #4269
OpenStack UPI: Custom API and Ingress vip addresses #4092
Bug 1888671 : openstack: Document Cinder’s ignore-volume-az #4271
Bump version to v0.19.0 #4266
destroy: return aws resources that could not be deleted #4270
install-complete: provide troubleshooting info when operators fail #4259
OpenStack: add clusterOSImage validations #3964
Bug 1887525 : baremetal: Wait for master-bmh-update script to succeed #4262
openstack: Bump Ansible to 2.9 in UPI #4261
Bug 1874248 : types/vsphere/validation: ensure vcenter is all lower case #4254
Bug 1884691 : types: allow manual cred mode for gcp and azure #4238
Updating ose-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4250
Remove dead code #4252
Updating ose-installer-artifacts builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4251
openstack privileges documented #4214
OpenStack: Rename lbFloatingIP to apiFloatingIP #4244
Bug 1882191 : Add GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0 to systemd DefaultEnvironment #4248
Bug 1884435 : vsphere - add delay if resolv.conf is not available; wait for dhcp #4237
Bug 1777224 : pkg/asset: metadata to depend on ignition #4223
Bump RHCOS images for Ignition entropy fix #4241
Bug 1859174 : Upgrade Terraform provider OpenStack #4216
Fix json tag for GCP auth service account #4166
installer/pkg/quota/gcp/limits.go: fix minor typo in comment #4160
IP address should be specified without underscore. #3204
Docs: OpenStack: Remove mention of cluster failing to destroy #4208
Bug 1876815 : OpenStack: unset OS_CLOUD #4231
Bug 1884558 : do not use local cacert path in generated clouds.yaml #4227
Bug 1878758 : openstack UPI: Allow for no FIP or router #4219
Bug 1876844 : openstack UPI: Ignition token needs Glance access #4236
Bug 1881703 : Revert “Have the MCO manage the ignition stub config” #4228
Bug 1882752 : openstack BM: Remove MachineSet on separate subnet #4230
Bug 1878900 : openstack: Skip validation for baremetal flavors #4222
Bug 1881532 : openstack: Only list external networks in prompt #4226
Bug 1882805 : Bump bootimages for ppc64le and s390x to 46.82.202009240941-0 and 46.82.202009241338-0 #4215
Bug 1881757 : tls: set mcs cert common name to not-valid-hostname #4210
Bug 1882810 : vsphere - local dns prepender not named with template #4220
Bug 1853418 : Ignore trailing dots in baseDomain #4146
Bug 1881487 : data/rhcos.json: Update to 46.82.202009220041-0 #4206
Bug 1877984 : Fix “OpenShiftSDN” to proper case when generating network config #4207
Bug 1879533 : oVirt UPI - Better explanation of the inventory #4180
Bug 1878789 : Add note about ignition certificates expiration #4171
Bug 1877854 : OpenStack: Support multiple subnets #4093
Bug 1879649 : oVirt UPI - Simplify create templates #4182
Bug 1880393 : OpenStack UPI: Explain how to encode cert to base64 #4203
Bug 1880393 : OpenStack UPI: Trim EOLs from the cacert trustbundle #4201
Bug 1878163 : Updating images/baremetal/ baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4186
Bug 1879891 : Fix cluster destroy when fip less installation happened #4191
Bug 1878163 : Updating images/installer/ baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4185
Bug 1878163 : Updating images/installer-artifacts/Dockerfile.rhel baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4184
Bug 1876815 : unset OS_CLOUD during config generator #4177
Bug 1878108 : asset/quota/gcp: use GCP api to find CPU count for constraint and guess only on failure #4163
Bug 1877486 : proxy: allow * for noProxy #4172
Bug 1880132 : destroy/gcp: correct extract service account email from IAM policy binding member #4193
Bug 1861917 : Add cpc config to bootstrap #4178
install: increase timeout to 40 minutes #4181
Bug 1879081 : OpenStack: Switch to train/centos8 repos #4175
Bug 1877885 : oVirt UPI - Add Ansible playbooks download #4169
Bug 1878758 : openstack UPI: Optional floating IPs #3755
Bug 1877763 : oVirt UPI - python code snippets without semicolons #4170
Bug 1874747 : ovirt: dont start the temp VM before template creation #4168
Bug 1878243 : openstack: Upgrade the CI build image #4161
Bug 1877440 : oVirt UPI Assets_dir set according to env var #4153
Bug 1874457 : Add support to clean custom router #4159
Bug 1877676 : OpenStack: Refresh documentation about ingress FIP #4059
Bug 1877436 : oVirt UPI RHCOS explanations, assets env var #4152
Bug 1877862 : oVirt UPI - Fix templates check and optimize image check #4157
Bug 1877741 : gather openshift-{azure,gcp}-routes logs #4148
Bug 1873125 : Fix python syntax for OpenStack UPI scripts #4154
Bug 1870038 : vmware upi: haproxy.service to rm haproxy pod on ExecStop #4132
Bug 1866925 : pkg/destroy/azure: fail fast if unable to list resources for any reason #4025
Bug 1873125 : OpenStack: UPI missing instructions to update apiVIP and ingressVIP #4133
Bug 1875855 : increase timeout for bootstrap ignition downloading #4145
Bug 1856928 : Fix Non yaml files in manifests/ or openshift/ directories preventing bootstrap from completing #4091
Bug 1876825 : generate lbFloatingIP in OpenStack config #4147
Bug 1876792 : oVirt UPI Move Network Requirements section #4142
Bug 1876783 : oVirt UPI fix python cmd #4141
Bug 1876562 : Small readability improvements to UPI on RHV documentation #4136
Bug 1871653 : baremetal: set root device hints on host resources #4088
Bug 1875932 : Update baremetal DNS design details #4101
Bug 1868439 : openstack UPI: Fix JSON syntax #4140
Bug 1874656 : Bump RHCOS for s390x/ppc64le to fix SSH authentication #4124
Bug 1861917 : bootkube: add image for cluster-policy-controller #4131
Bug 1871712 : pkg/destroy/aws: Detach attached policies during destroy #4126
Bug 1867975 : aws: ensure users set ami id for us-gov and cn regions #4103
Bug 1868439 : openstack UPI: Fix Ingition key error #4135
Bug 1872080 : Updating images/baremetal/ baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4086
Bug 1872080 : Updating images/installer-artifacts/Dockerfile.rhel baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4085
Bug 1872080 : Updating images/installer/ baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4087
BUG 1872646: oVirt, remove tmp VM disk on destroy #4129
hack/update-rhcos-bootimage: update usage example #4097
Bug 1813012 : Remove unused flags previously needed for etcd static pod #4063
Bug 1842071 : Add ppc64le and s390x documentation links #4115
Bug 1873448 : Ensure proper tagging of compute nodes ports #4118
Bug 1872861 : Update cli container image for UPI #4098
Bug 1873712 : Add information about AZs limitations with Kuryr #4109
Bug 1871795 : bump RHCOS images to fix SSH authentication #4095
Bug 1873123 : omit deprecated parameters during config generation #4100
Bug 1813012 : Remove unused etcd host service and endpoints #4068
Bug 1871030 : data/data/gcp: be pedantic about setting the region #4089
Bug 1856270 : Update known issues with info about provisioning state node bug #4083
Bug 1870082 : Use index in MachineSet names for Openstack IPI #4070
Bug 1813012 : Remove legacy code for unmanaged cluster-etcd-operator #4062
Bug 1863026 : docs/user/azure: remove newlines from base64 encoding in UPI install doc #4090
Bug 1871048 : OpenStack: dynamically set end of DHCP allocation pool #4077
Bug 1868773 : Libvirt: Bump bootstrap memory to 4G #4080
Bug 1862209 : aws: fix validation for user tags #4081
Bug 1871124 : OpenStack: Improve snippet for playbooks download #4079
Bug 1871124 : openstack UPI: Provide a way to get the playbooks #4078
Bug 1866534 : fixes bootstrap DNS failure on bare metal #4015
Bug 1862957 : bump RHCOS images for FIPS fix #4066
Bug 1870592 : openstack: Document MachineSet availabilityZone #4074 Remove experimental tag for OpenStack UPI #3982
Bug 1866693 : docs: drop kernel-devel from supported extensions #4030
Bug 1864092 : baremetal: copy the implementation of rootdevicehints from baremetal-operator #4002
Bug 1862290 : vendor/terraform-provider-vsphere: DiskPostCloneOperation patch carry #4060
Bug 1868439 : openstack UPI: Fix Ignition v3 #4058
openstack: Known issue: no BMs on Kuryr #4051
Bug 1869329 : OpenStack: Place Bootstrap in one of the master AZs #4056
Bump rhcos images for s390x #4050
OpenStack: Fixups to BM workers documentation #4057
Bug 1868439 : openstack upi: fix Ignition key error #4047
OpenStack: baremetal worker documentation #3955
Bug 1866949 : data/data/aws/route53: use CNAME for gov cloud partition #4043
Bug 1862044 : deleting servers using metadata-based filtering #4032
Bug 1867972 : destroy/aws: setup the resourcetagging api with correct region for gov cloud #4042
Bump rhcos images for ppc64le #4021
Bug 1867519 : make externalNetwork optional #4029
Full changelog
Bug 2003633 : manifests, bindata: explicitely set runAsUser for operator and operand #485
Updating ose-cluster-authentication-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #408
Bug 1971087 : add a controller to remove webhooktokenauthenticator config #418
Bug 1956797 : bump kube to 0.20.6 to prevent delegated authz panics #443
Bug 1941840 : endpoints controller: close response bodies #440
Bug 1949941 : add a scraper and an alert to check for old-style tokens #437
Full changelog
Bug 1924416 : Bump dependencies to Kubernetes 1.20.6 to mitigate CVE-2021-3121 #204
Updating atomic-openshift-cluster-autoscaler builder & base images to be consistent with ART #187
Updating vertical-pod-autoscaler builder & base images to be consistent with ART #190
Full changelog
OCPEDGE-1643 : bump: ocp/api ocp/library-go k8s #431
OCPBUGS-45477 : Updating ose-cluster-config-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #430
OCPEDGE-1308 : bump(api,k8s) #428
OCPBUGS-39572 : Updating ose-cluster-config-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #426
CFE-921 : Update openshift/api package to latest version #423
OCPBUGS-34178 : Updating ose-cluster-config-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #419
SPLAT-1630 : Bump API version to get new VSphereMultiVCenters featuregate. #418
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #410
OCPBUGS-24871 : Updating ose-cluster-config-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #390
TRT-1581 : default to self-managed clusterprofile #414
NO-JIRA: change the customnoupgrade featureset to work as force enable and force disable #412
OCPBUGS-29576 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #408
NO-JIRA: add check to ensure clusterprofile matches for featuregates #411
OCPBUGS-28621 : Fix PSa labels #406
STOR-1700 : Bump(openshift/api): to get new VolumeGroupSnapshot API #405
OCPBUGS-28621 : Add required PSa labels #401
SPLAT-1400 : promote vSphere control plane machinesets from tech preview #400
OCPBUGS-26541 : remove duplicate manifests in image #399
Revert “OCPBUGS-26541: remove duplicate manifests in image” #397
OCPBUGS-26541 : remove duplicate manifests in image #392
OCPNODE-1671 : Update api,client-go to add imagepolicy api #376
Revert “OCPBUGS-19106: Updating ose-cluster-config-operator-container image to be consistent with ART” #388
OCPBUGS-19106 : Updating ose-cluster-config-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #385
read featuregates from openshift/api #349
yield CRDs and empty resource rendering to api imge #379
CNF-10479 : Bump up api to pull mixed cpu allocation feature gate #386
NP-793 : Bump #375
create manifest directory during rendering #382
SPLAT-1272 : Update for Nutanix failure domains api changes #378
create parent dir for output #381
Allow split rendering between cluster-config and openshift/api #380
MON-3480 : Add MetricsServer FeatureGate #377
NO-JIRA: pkg/cmd/render/config: Remove ReadFeatureGateV1OrDie #361
MCO-813 : add MCN featuregate #368
SPLAT-1127 : bring in vSphere CPMSO API updates #342
OCPBUGS-21781 : Update openshift/api package to latest version #365
OCPBUGS-21744 : bump library-go to include switch to HTTP/1.1 #366
CFE-887 : Bump openshift/api to add DNSNameResolver. #364
Enable ValidatingAdmissionPolicy in TechPreviewNoUpgrade. #358
OCPBUGS-20164 : Remove Build CRD #360
Remove AdmissionWebhookMatchConditions feature gate #359
OCPVE-708 : feat: bump(api) #357
OCPCLOUD-1989 : Promote GCP CCM from TPNU to default #319
OCPBUGS-19106 : Updating ose-cluster-config-operator images to be consistent with ART #353
CCO-412 : Bump API to promote azureWorkloadIdentity to defaultFeatures #351
Revert “Bump to enable ValidatingAdmissionPolicy in tech preview.” #346
Bump to enable ValidatingAdmissionPolicy in tech preview. #343
Bump openshift/api to add ValidatingAdmissionPolicy feature gate. #340
OCPVE-626 : bump(openshift/api@master) #341
CFE-689 : Update openshift/api package to latest version #335
OCPBUGS-16614 : go.mod: bump openshift/api #338
OCPBUGS-16614 : go.mod: update openshift/api #334
OCPBUGS-16507 : bump #333
OCPCLOUD-2010 : Remove feature gate for external platform #331
SDN-4024 : Vendor openshift/api to get ANP feature-gate changes #330
Promote privateHostedZoneAWS from Tech Preview to Default #328
Update openshift/api #327
OCPBUGS-13547 : Promote Azure CCM from TPNU to default #307
OCPBUGS-15877 : go upgradeable=false when latencysensitive is used and not corrected #325
Enable feature gate for externalCertificate on Route API #326
stomp the latencysensitive featureset for equivalent default #324
WRKLDS-757 : Sync with openshift/api to drop MatchLabelKeysInPodTopologySpread from TechPreviewNoUpgrade #322
SPLAT-1099 : bump openshift/api for vSphere static IP feature gate and platform spec #323
remove dead flag for file #309
Changes to move to api@2d36f53 #321
OCPBUGS-12767 : Add CustomNoUpgrade CRD versions to payload #320
OCPCLOUD-2010 : Re-vendor api to support external platform #306
Update openshift/api to disable EventedPLEG featuregate in techpreview #317
update openshift/api for types and gates #316
Update to pull in evented pleg and sigstore feature flags #312
Update to pull in feature gates #311
OCPBUGS-6266 : Rename config-operator_00_namespace run level to 00 #303
Update library-go dependency #305
Add JoelSpeed to owners #302
Update API and library-go #301
Require consistency in rendered artifacts #299
specify all known featureGates in disabled #297
update render to handle directories of manifests #295
adjust to refined openshift/api types #296
update ordering and featuregates #294
add featuregate status #288
Updating ose-cluster-config-operator images to be consistent with ART #287
OCPBUGS-10037 : update openshift/api to get new apiserver schema #289
update openshift/api to get new techprevew apiserver schema #286
CFE-601 : Update openshift/api package version #279
OSASINFRA-3097 : update openshift/api to get External LB fields #278
OCPBUGS-6185 : Update go version and ART images #280
OCPBUGS-4207 : Revert “Increase verbosity level to track probe timeouts” #274
Update go.mod api,client-go to register crd #270
OCPBUGS-3123 : add –feature-set option to render options #271
NE-975 : Update openshift/api for updated ingress config loadBalancer fields #268
Increase verbosity level to track probe timeouts #267
Bug 1843043 : Update openshift/api for modified config resource description #264
update openshift/api for new ingress manifest #263
Update go.mod api,client-go to register crd #262
This is not the repo you’re looking for. #261
Bump k8s dependencies #260
Update images to be consistent with ART #253
Bug 2082763 : Drop the OperatorHub CR instance #245
bump openshift/api, client-go #251
manifests/deployment: comply to restricted pod security level #248
Reorder the empty Node CR resource to ensure it is applied after the Node CRD #244
Bump(o/client-go); Add empty config/v1/node/cluster object #238
Bug 2074243 : Bump openshift/api
to c3bb724c28
Revert config/v1/Node crd.yaml #242
Bump openshift/api, openshit/client-go to add ImageMirrorSet CRDs #236
bumped openshift API to have node object related changes #233
Bug 2043709 : fix component-base logging flags #230
Bug 2034484 : feat: bumped library-go version #227
Bug 2033536 : vendor: update openshift/api to include alibaba CRD update #229
bump openshift/api #228
Bump golang to 1.17 #225
Bug 1986504 : bump openshift/api #223
OWNERS: add Abu as approver #221
Bug 1992592 : bump api #219
Bump openshift/api, openshit/client-go #220
Updating openshift/api, openshift/client-go, and openshift/library-go #218
Bug 1993002 : Bump API to fix kubebuilder directives #214
Bug 1984635 : use new default leader election values to handle SNO environments #213
Bug 1984635 : use new default leader election values to handle apiserver rollout on SNO #211
Bug 1986148 : Bump API for Ingress RequiredHSTSPolicies #212
Add missing include annotation for ibm-cloud-managed #210
bump: get updated operator API content #209
bump(openshift/api): to get latest CRDs #208
Add AzureStack support #186
Bug 1957822 : bump o/api to get the apiserver.TLSProfile doc update #206
Bug 1960339 : openshift-user-critical: unset globalDefault #205
bump(*): openshift/api to pickup updated CRD’s #203
Bug 1953563 : Add .ci-operator.yaml with build_root_image #198
Bug 1960339 : manifests: add preemptionPolicy for openshift-user-critical #202
Bug 1947803 : quota: switch to v1 crd #201
Rename workload annotations #194
Bug 1950113 : vendor: bump to the latest openshift/api #199
Bug 1878199 : remove log level normalizer #197
Bug 1948311 : DelegatingAuthenticationOptions TokenReview request timeout #195
Bug 1947800 : Bump openshift/api (and Kube 1.21 release) #192
Add management workload annotations #190
Bug 1949145 : Add missing annotations to upc #193
Bug 1949145 : Add user facing priority class #191
Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests #166
pkg/operator/kube_cloud_config: Fix “kuberneted” -> “Kubernetes” doc typo #172
Bug 1901535 : Update openshift/api dependency #187
Mark operator pod as system-cluster-critical #184
Updating ose-cluster-config-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #188
Updating ose-cluster-config-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #182
bump openshift/api to support new field controlPlaneToplogy in #175
Full changelog
Bug 1976988 : [release-4.7]: Increase inertia duration for the EtcdMembersDegraded condition #618
Bug 1976287 : Validate the status of the etcd snapshot during backup and restore #617
Bug 1951447 : pkg/etcdenvvar/etcd_env.go: Sort endpoints to prevent rollout #568
Bug 1958416 : pkg/dnshelpers: fallback to spec if status is not populated for serviceNetwork #594
Bug 1955418 : manifests: Shift FlowSchema to level 50 #582
Bug 1954121 : [release-4.7] Improve cert controller detection and correction of invalid certs #577
OWNERS: add lilic as reviewer #588
Bug 1954073 : bindata, pkg: Propagate operator log level to etcd itself #578
Bug 1925739 : pkg/operator/metriccontroller: cleanup transports #537
Full changelog
STOR-2267 : Run SELinux warning controller #834
NO-JIRA: readme: describe mapping between operatorLogLevel and log level #835
NO-JIRA: readme: describe mapping between logLevel and log level #833
NO-ISSUE: Bump TraceAll log level to v=10 #828
OCPBUGS-48701 : Bump to latest library-go #831
CNTRLPLANE-21 : Update to Kubernetes 1.32.1 #830
OCPBUGS-48701 : Bump library-go for static pod controller apply fixes. #829
OCPBUGS-45825 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 ++ #826
API-1835 : bump library-go #824
WRKLDS-1449 : bump(k8s): update* dependencies to v1.31.1 #816
API-1835 : operator client update #823
WRKLDS-1449 : disable cloud provider controllers #822
create CRDs from openshift/api #821
OCPBUGS-41121 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #819
no-jira: Update OWNERS #820
NO-JIRA: update library-go #814
OCPBUGS-34859 : manifests: set owning-component for csr-signer-signer #812
OCPBUGS-34281 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #813
API-1783 : bump(k8s): bump k8s version to v1.30.0 #803
OCPCLOUD-2513 : Remove cloud-provider, cloud-config, and cloud-volume-plugin flags #806
API-1800 : bindata: convert SecretTypeTLS secrets #804
WRKLDS-1169 : tolerate #802
OCPBUGS-31384 : use RotatedSigningCASecret and RotatedSelfSignedCertKeySecret only in update mode #800
WRKLDS-1071 : revision_controller: do not create a new revision when a required object is missing #796
OCPCLOUD-2515 : remove CloudControllerOwner condition #795
OCPBUGS-30488 : bump( #798
OCPCLOUD-2514 : Remove reliance on Cloud Provider feature gates for determining if CCM should be deployed. #794
OCPBUGS-29565 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #793
OCPBUGS-21846 : sync(library-go): revision_controller: update last revision only when a revision is completely rendered #786
OCPBUGS-26117 : Add .snyk file to exclude vendor and ignore unit tests #784
OCPBUGS-25587 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #780
NO-JIRA: Make render unit pass consistently #782
TRT-1420 : Bump openshift/library-go to pick up revision_controller revert #781
OCPNODE-1890 : Bump k8s api to v0.29.0 #770
OCPBUGS-5825 : Removes legacy cloud-provider resources #778
OCPBUGS-25001 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #777
OCPBUGS-18115 : Remove “” annotation #757
OCPBUGS-25001 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #775
OCPBUGS-24162 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #772
OCPBUGS-24215 : Annotate rotated certificates #769
OCPBUGS-23462 : bump(library-go) #771
bump(k8s) #763
OCPBUGS-21722 : bump(openshift/api|client-go|library-go) to pick up http2 disablement #762
OCPBUGS-21722 : Bump deps to address CVE-2023-44487 #755
bump(openshift/client-go,library-go) #753
OCPBUGS-16794 : installerpod: change pod manifest mode to 0600 #750
OCPBUGS-19263 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #747
Bump openshift/* libs #746
Update to Kubernetes 1.28.2 #744
STOR-1425 : Update to Kubernetes 1.28.1 #742
add roles for the new privileged namespaces PSa syncer controller #743
OCPBUGS-15256 : Sync openshift/api to reduce installerpod configmap based file permissions to 0600 #740
OCPCLOUD-2010 : Re-vendor api and library-go for external platform support #736
OCPBUGS-14323 : Change manifest directory permissions #739
OCPBUGS-13579 : remove RBAC for cluster-policy-controller CM leader election #738
OCPBUGS-13579 : Drop flags removed in k8s 1.26 #737
Remove featureset flag and use only the manifest #735
Update cloud provider tests with feature gate changes #731
STOR-1263 : Bump k8s 1.27 #713
Read feature manifest #733
Restricted featuregate reader #732
use new featuregate API #730
OCPBUGS-12709 : Reset library-go branch after Azure revert #729
OCPBUGS-12133 : Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #727
Revert azure out of tree provider change #724
OCPBUGS-11352 : AWS should not use external-cloud-volume-plugin post CSI migration #721
OCPBUGS-7440 : do not degrade KCM when when monitoring stack rollout is in progress #706
OCPBUGS-10568 : migrate to using lease objects for leader election #715
Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #709
OWNERS: remove ravi from the owners #714
Reset library-go to openshift fork #708
Update library-go dependency to move Azure to out of tree #705
Update library-go dependency to move AWS to out of tree #707
WRKLDS-705 : Bump openshift/api to enable DynamicResourceAllocation through TechPreviewNoUpgrade #701
WRKLDS-649 : Guard pod set readiness probe endpoint explicitly #693
OCPBUGS-6259 : bump(k8s): 1.26.1 #691
OCPBUGS-3985 : Enforce PSA when techpreview is enabled #663
Fixup vendor after library-go update #689
Update library-go dependency to move vSphere to out of tree #687
honor feature gates during bootstrapping #686
remove use of deprecated klog flags #685
OCPBUGS-5269 : remove unnecessary leader election RBAC #681
OCPBUGS-5006 : add leader-elect-renew-deadline into defaultconfit.yaml #678
Revert “Drop log flags removed in k8s 1.26” #684
bump (openshift/api) for CSIMigration* feature gates #682
Drop log flags removed in k8s 1.26 #680
Drop flags removed in k8s 1.26 #679
Bump library-go #677
Fix typo in podsecurity-admission-label-syncer-controller cluster role #671
Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #673
OCPBUGS-3283 : remove unnecessary RBAC #661
OCPBUGS-4401 : limit cluster-policy-controller RBAC permissions #670
OCPBUGS-3041 : guard controller: set an explicit hostname to avoid name collisions #664
remove not needed RemoveStaleConditionsController #662
bootstrap-kube-controller-manager: specify resources.requests #660
library-go vendoring for installer cmd timeout #659
trt-589 bump library-go #658
Update go mod go version #657
add to resource-graph #655
Bug 2101843 : Label openshift-infra namespace as privileged #647
k8s 1.25.0 #652
Bug 2118286 : always report and reconcile GarbageCollectorDegraded condition #650
OCPBUGS-212 : gc watcher should close connections after throwing away a client #649
Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #638
Bug 2001409 : add runbook urls to KCM-o alerts #635
Reset Go mod after openstack library-go bump #642
fix TestPodDisruptionBudgetAtLimitAlert by adding SecurityContext to a pod #643
Update library-go to set OpenStack provider to external #641
Make KCM-O conditionally dependent on monitoring stack availability #639
Bug 2103940 : Decouple KCM-O’s status from monitoring stack #636
Bug 2099668 : introduce GC Watcher controller and add alerts for GarbageCollector #623
Bug 2087684 : Reject transition from/to extreme latency profiles (default<->low) #629
Bug 1902307 : Let vsphere-legacy-cloud-provider update node objects #631
Bug 2097186 : add rbac roles for the podsecuritylabelsyncer even outside bootkube #632
Bug 2053622 : PodDisruptionBudgetAtLimit should not alert when no app/pods exist #630
Bug 2086092 : bump to k8s v0.24.0 #614
Bug 2086519 : bindata/../namespace-openshift-infra: label namespace as privileged #628
Bug 2086958 : e2e: Fix test pod disruption budget at limit alert #627
Bug 2086959 : e2e: fix flaky TestLogLevel #626
Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #624
Config Observer and Latency Controller for WorkerLatencyProfile #611
add RBAC for PSa label syncing controller #616
Fix debugging information #621
manifests/deployment: comply to restricted pod security level #619
policy-controller RBAC: use the new leases API #618
Bug 1918690 : update resource-graph to include current resources #613
Update OWNERS #612
Bump(openshift/api): to get CSI changes #601
Bug 2053582 : Track static pod lifecycle #608
Bug 2053582 : Track static pod lifecycle #606
Update to use configmapleases #602
Bug 2029470 : update library-go to get rapid installer pod fixes #597
Bug 2045872 : allow cluster-policy-controller to fallback to default cert #594
Bug 2042049 : Delete feature gates removed from #592
Bug 2005901 : Sync library go #591
Bug 2037856 : bump library go #590
Bug 2040132 : drop –port flag #589
Bug 2005901 : Bump library-go #588
Bug 2038968 : bump(openshift/api): to get CSI migration gates switched off #587
Bug 2035986 : Replace deprecated annotation #586
Bug 2005901 : Guard controller pdb #568
Bug 2034484 : fix:library-go nil pointer issue #585
bump k8s to 1.23 #581
bump(library-go): to gather a fix for static pod UID version #579
Bug 2026352 : Sync with the latest openshift/library-go@master to pick pruner cert dir check #578
Collect kube-system namespace as a related resource to kube-controller-manager operator #577
update KCM metrics service selector #575
Revert “Merge pull request #554 from atiratree/cpc-metrics” #574
Bug 2010352 : add summary, description and namespace to prometheus alerts #573
introduce creation of openshift-infra ns and recycler SA #570
collect metrics for cluster-policy-controller #554
Fix gomod #572
Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #563
bump(*): vendor update #571
bump(openshift/api): to get fix for typo in feature gate #569
Set operator condition that it doesn’t own cloud provider #558
Switch from experimental-cluster-signing-duration to cluster-signing-duration #567
Bump library go for enabling gcp and vsphere platforms ccm #566
podsecurity: enforce privileged for openshift-kube-controller-manager namespace #565
Bug 2001856 : bump library-go and dependencies #562
Bug 1986829 : metrics: use client cert auth for metrics scraping #556
Bug 1989073 : Exclude openshift only CloudProvider feature gate from KCM config #555
Bug 1986003 : Bump to 1.22.0-rc.0 #550
Bug 1986437 : Bump #551
Cloud Volume Observer: Extended arguments must be a slice #552
remove unused cluster-policy-controller configuration #553
Add ObserveCloudVolumePlugin config observer for KCM config #525
update cluster-policy-controller configuration #545
fix clusterroles for the CSR approver #548
allow upgraded clusters to use the vulnerable service-ca.crt #546
Start using embed module for assets #547
Bump openshift/api #542
Set –cloud-provider=external for supported platforms #450
Refactor remaining controllers to factory #541
Bug 1965562 : recycler-for-nfs-… does not set requests or priorityClassName #538
bump library-go to get context fixes #540
Update OWNERS #539
AUTH-26 : CSR Approver manifests #535
Bug 1963730 : kube-apiserver failed to load SNI cert and key #532
Bug 1938636 : Set logLevel for policy and recovery controllers #511
Bug 1954790 : pdb: Increase PDBAtLimit timeout #534
Bug 1946479 : manifests: use manual service account mounts #531
Bug 1954790 : Use appropriate metric for PDB alerts #527
Bug 1966126 : manifests: drop root_ca_cert_publisher_sync_duration_seconds metric #526
Bug 1963079 : a smoke test for preferred host for KCM #510
Bug 1961173 : bump(*): vendor update #524
Rename workload annotations #521
Bug 1953563 : Makefile: add verify-golang-versions #523
Bug 1948311 : DelegatingAuthenticationOptions TokenReview request timeout #522
Add management workload annotations #516
Bug 1949418 : bump(*): vendor update #519
Remove tnozicka from OWNERS #502
Bug 1948431 : Bump openshift api version to get CSIMigrationXXX feature gates #518
bump(*): 1.21 #515
update library-go to fix tight loops #514
Migrate to using keypair generation and validation from library-go #512
Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #513
defines test-e2e-preferred-host job for running smoke tests to check if KCM talks to Kube over a preferred host #509
Bug 1934132 : Bump to v1.3.2 #507
Bug 1844989 : Allow to set –tls-cipher-suites and –tls-min-version of KCM instances through observed config #506
Updating ose-cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #504
Bug 1911211 : Update build-machinery-go to the latest master HEAD #505
fixes Developing and debugging the operator section in the readme file. #503
Full changelog
Updating ose-cluster-kube-storage-version-migrator-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #38
Full changelog
Bug 1924492 : Bump dependencies to Kubernetes 1.20.6 to mitigate CVE-2021-3121 #120
Updating ose-cluster-machine-approver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #103
Full changelog
Bug 1996045 : bindata: run openshift-apiserver as root explicitly. #468
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-apiserver-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #427
Bug 1955502 : explicitly allow apiserver pods to write to their root FS #449
Bug 1927321 : competing connectivitycheckcontrollers cause pod restarts during upgrades #444
Full changelog
WRKLDS-1653 : bump(k8s): update* dependencies to v1.32.2 #381
OCPBUGS-47528 : Add team members to the OWNERS file #373
OCPBUGS-45698 : Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #372
API-1835 : bump library-go #370
WRKLDS-1492 : Update k8s dependencies to 1.31.1 #368
OCPBUGS-41227 : Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #364
create CRDs from openshift/api #367
no-jira: OWNERS: remove former employees #354
OCPBUGS-35801 : nil pointer reference in ocm-operator #355
WRKLDS-1327 : Replace wildcards by explicit list of verbs #353
WRKLDS-1292 : Bump k8s dependencies to 1.30.1 #352
OCPBUGS-34395 : Move cluster
Build CR to runlevel 10 to match CRD #351
OCPBUGS-34077 : Always Disable Default Rolebindings Controller #346
OCPBUGS-34054 : lots of churn during image registry managed/removed transition #347
OCPBUILD-9 : Adds capabilities for builder & deployer rolebindings controller #335
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #336
OCPBUGS-23848 : Bumps opentelemetry dependencies #341
OCPBUGS-29973 : Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #337
OCPBUGS-29581 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #334
OCPBUGS-22969 : Use v1 for flowcontrol API #316
BUILD-854 : Add adambkaplan as approver #338
OCPBUGS-24888 : Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #321
OCPBUGS-28666 : Replace ‘coreydaley’ with ‘sayan-biswas’ in OWNERS file #326
OCPBUGS-23624 : Add .snyk file to exclude vendor and ignore unit tests #325
WRKLDS-1016 : Bump k8s dependencies to 1.29.0 #324
OCPBUGS-24190 : Disable deployer-controller when deploymentconfig is disabled #320
OCPBUGS-22956 : Remove blockage of ConfigObserver by build informer HasSynced flag #315
Revert “Revert #300 “API-1666: add image pull secret cleanup controller”” #314
Revert #300 “API-1666: add image pull secret cleanup controller” #313
API-1642 : add image pull secret cleanup controller #300
API-1642 : Do not generate image pull secrets for internal registry when internal registry is disabled. #298
OCPBUGS-21830 : bump(k8s,openshift) to address CVE-2023-44487 #308
OCPBUGS-20164 : Include Build CRD in manifests #306
WRKLDS-806 : Bump kube dependencies to 1.28.2 #305
OCPBUGS-19136 : Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #304
OCPBUGS-18932 : Always sort disabled controller list #302
OCPBUGS-18498 : Disable BuildConfigChange controller when Build cap is disabled #299
route-controller-manager deployment updates #295
OCPBUGS-16072 : Updating Kubernetes and other associated dependencies #296
OCPBUGS-13926 : change the operator log level to default normal in the deployment #289
BUILD-582 , OCPBUGS-14638 : bump(k8s): 1.27.1 #294
OCPBUGS-13926 : add loglevel controller for OCM-o #292
Revert “13895: [WRKLDS-730] route-controller-manager deployment updates” #293
OCPBUGS-13895 : [WRKLDS-730] route-controller-manager deployment updates #288
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #287
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #286
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #285
Bump from 0.5.0 to 0.7.0 #284
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #279
OCPBUGS-10568 : migrate to using lease objects for leader election #282
Add Divyanshu Agrawal as a reviewer #283
OCPBUGS-4343 : update apf configuration to use v1beta3 #273
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #274
WRKLDS-594 : bump(k8s): 1.26.1 #277
OCPBUGS-5275 : remove unnecessary RBAC for leader-locking-ingress-to-route-controller #276
OCPBUGS-3929 : update apf configuration to use v1beta2 #272
let deployer pods patch/apply replication controllers #270
Bug 2111979 : Set to nil in openshift-controller-manager nam… #269
BUILD-534 : Rebase to k8s 1.25 #268
manage openshift-controller-manager as a Deployment #264
Bug 2055620 : Add permissions for image trigger controller #244
switch to route-controller-manager image and use ApplyDeployment no. 2 #267
Revert “switch to route-controller-manager image and use ApplyDeployment” #265
switch to route-controller-manager image and use ApplyDeployment #258
rename operator queue to OpenshiftControllerManagerOperator #257
fix README links #263
OCPBUGS-722 : handle errors during operand creation and update #262
OCPBUGS-722 : Fix NPD when accessing rote controller spec.deployment.replicas #259
Manage route controllers in separate ns #255
Adding leader election leases permissions for openshift-controller-manager-sa #253
BUILD-417 : Adding leader election leases #250
Bug 2110629 : Set to nil in openshift-controller-manager namespace #248
Bug 2110617 : Add namespace and RBAC needed for ingress-to-route #247
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #245
BUILD-418 : Rebase to k8s 1.24 #242
Add user coreydaley as an approver #241
Bug 2086519 : AUTH-133: bindata: comply to restricted pod security level #240
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #236
manifests/deployment: comply to restricted pod security level #239
Bug 2067820 : Update prometheus client_golang from 1.11.0 => 1.11.1 #238
Bug 2042587 : Simplify Sync of Global CA ConfigMap #233
update cert injection annotations to beta #237
Bug 2042587 : Fix Conflict Error in Operator Tests #235
Bug 2034484 : feat: library-go bump #232
update controller-manager service selectors #231
Bug 2012770 : honor labels in openshift-controller-manager metrics #230
BUILD-281 : add library-go watch/update of new OCM feature gate field #227
Bug 2004127 : bump library-go and dependencies #228
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #226
Bug 1986003 : Rebase to Kubernetes 1.22 #225
Bug 1986829 : metrics: use client cert auth for metrics scraping #223
Fix config merge order #221
Update OWNERS #220
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator images to be consistent with ART #219
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #217
Bug 1965283 : Static Resources Controller for Sync #216
Bug 1925409 : Let openshift-controller-manager create service account tokens #213
Bug 1948311 : DelegatingAuthenticationOptions TokenReview request timeout #212
Bug 1948011 : seed upgradeable condition in ocm-o cluster operator status so library-go union code can find it #210
Add management workload annotations #206
Bug 1947793 : Deprecated API in use #208
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #202
Bug 1941526 : Bump kubernetes to 0.20.5 #203
BUILD-186 : add buildconfig/status permissions to ocm #201
switch to v1beta1 for the p&f APIs #192
Bug 1911470 : Set registry routes in operand config #197
Updating ose-cluster-openshift-controller-manager-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #198
Remove tnozicka from OWNERS #196
Full changelog
Pack both keys in one verifier-public-key-ci entry #36
Adding the new Openshift CI Signer key #34
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-45705 : Updating configmap-reload-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #66
NO-JIRA: Update downstream to v0.14.0 #65
OCPBUGS-41241 : Updating configmap-reload-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #64
OCPBUGS-34355 : Updating configmap-reload-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #62
OCPBUGS-34355 : Updating configmap-reload-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #61
MON-3671 : add machine424 and rexagod to OWNERS #55
OCPBUGS-24912 : Updating configmap-reload-container image to be consistent with ART #58
Updating configmap-reload-container image to be consistent with ART #57
OCPBUGS-19171 : Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #56
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #52
OCPBUGS-10106 : Updating openshift-state-metrics images to be consistent with ART #51
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #48
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #47
OWNERS: Add Joao and myself, and move former team members to emeritus #46
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #45
Bug 2067745 : Merge Upstream Master Branch #44
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #42
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #41
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #40
OWNERS: cleanup #39
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #38
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #37
OWNERS: update #36
Updating configmap-reload images to be consistent with ART #35
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #34
Update OWNERS file to reflect new maintainers #33
vendor: fix inconsistent vendoring #30
Updating configmap-reload builder & base images to be consistent with ART #28
vendor: regenerate #29
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-51256 : Custom route TLS should be optional when IngressController’s DefaultCertificate is set #965
OCPBUGS-51379 : Re-revert Report email_domain to telemetry + fix panic for uninitialized mail value. #964
OCPBUGS-45514 : Report email_domain to telemetry + fix panic for uninitialized mail value. #962
OCPBUGS-51156 : Revert #950 “OCPBUGS-45514: Report email_domain to telemetry” #961
OCPBUGS-45514 : Report email_domain to telemetry #950
OCPBUGS-48536 : Bump documentationBaseURL to 4.19 #956
OCPBUGS-48740 : Vendor the missing CSP directives #960
OCPBUGS-46513 : Add ConsolePluginContentSecurityPolicy feature gate to… #957
OCPEDGE-1345 : feat: add arbiter node support for HA #939
OCPBUGS-45722 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #946
OCPBUGS-45222 : Dont disable console when authConfig type is set to None #944
OCPBUGS-44953 : don’t set current clients when no OIDC providers are configured #945
OCPBUGS-44362 : Remove the v1alpha1 schema for ConsolePlugin CRD #942
OCPBUGS-44556 : console/status: set initial value of Message field #940
CONSOLE-4292 : Console-operator should configure console with the CSP allowed directives #938
OCPBUGS-43837 : Bump docs version #937
NO-JIRA: Update owners file: Update my github username) #936
OCPBUGS-41258 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #929
NO-JIRA: Remove unused code #934
OCPBUGS-42534 : Console-operator’s route healthcheck should have longer retry #933
CONSOLE-4055 : Have GettingStartedBanner enabled by default #930
NO-JIRA: Update OWNERS files #931
CONSOLE-4055 , OCPBUGS-39357 : Vendor API changes #927
OCPBUGS-38549 : Get externalOrganizationID instead of the organizationID #925
CONSOLE-4163 : Add RBAC for console to GET PackageManifests #921
CONSOLE-4161 : Add Capabilities to config builder #920
OCPBUGS-35941 : Bump documentationBaseURL to 4.17 #912
OCPBUGS-36213 : Bump openshift/api to pick up removal of conversion webhook server reference #919
OCPBUGS-33715 : Add logging for determining the ORG_ID source #918
OCPBUGS-33715 : Cache organization ID when the ID changes #913
TRT-1733 : Revert #914 “OCPBUGS-29547: Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed” #915
OCPBUGS-29547 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #914
OCPBUGS-33787 : Add cluster wide trusted CA bundle to operator #911
OCPBUGS-33787 : Tolerate the absence of ingress capability on HyperShift clusters #886
OCPBUGS-33787 : deps: bump openshift/api #907
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #871
OCPBUGS-34364 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #906
OCPBUGS-31777 : Updates message verbs to use %q where appropriate. #902
OCPBUGS-33715 : Cache organization ID #904
CONSOLE-4047 : Console-operator should be internally using listers for fetching data #901
OCPBUGS-33505 : Add missing return statement to fix crash in healthcheck controller #900
OKD-214 : Dockerfile: Add ARG TAGS=ocp #896
TRT-1664 : Revert #895 “CONSOLE-4047: Console-operator should be internally using listers for fetching data” #899
CONSOLE-4047 : Console-operator should be internally using listers for fetching data #895
CONSOLE-3943 : Default telemetry values #890
CONSOLE-4014 : Pass OCM organization ID and OCP cluster ID to console-config.yaml #893
TRT-1623 : Revert “Merge pull request #889 from jhadvig/CONSOLE-4014” #892
CONSOLE-4014 : Pass OCM organization ID and OCP cluster ID to console-config.yaml #889
OCPBUGS-20129 : Fix triggering upgradenotification
in the cluster installation time #790
OCPBUGS-20466 : Tighten console operator permissions for cluster operators #873
OCPBUGS-32400 : base OIDC status updates on the ExternalOIDC feature gate #887
OCPBUGS-29547 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #868
OCPBUGS-30458 : Bump to latest #884
CONSOLE-3944 , OCPBUGS-31020 : Disable segment analytics when cluster telemetry is disabled #877
CONSOLE-3910 : Add quickstart to impersonate a system:admin user #865
OCPBUGS-31482 : oidc: synchronize the CM with a CA to trust the issuer, if configured #879
OCPBUGS-29331 : Update RHDH QuickStarts and add CR examples #878
OCPBUGS-24913 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #827
OCPBUGS-28541 : Remove Janus IDP and update RHDH quickstarts #862
OCPBUGS-29479 : Add startupProbe to console container. #869
OCPBUGS-29532 : ouathclients: further split oidc and integrated oauth handling #861
CONSOLE-3912 : always sync oidcClients in authn status if the field is present #857
OCPBUGS-28982 : oauthclients: fix oauthclients degraded condition that never gets removed #855
CONSOLE-3912 : OAuthClients: only add oidcClients
to authentication status if the field exists #847
CONSOLE-3912 : OIDC: setup the volume name properly when custom CA is configured #849
OCPBUGS-27335 : use InfrastructureTopology for clusters using external CP as the console deploys on the worker nodes #841
CONSOLE-3912 : Merge auth cert configmap deployment annotations into one #842
OCPBUGS-25484 : make it impossible double set conditions in a single loop #848
CONSOLE-3912 : Add secrets for session encryption/authentication in OIDC #839
OCPBUGS-27335 : The console-deployment should set the number of replicas based on the ControlPlaneTopology #838
NO-JIRA:(chore) remove unused loglevel #830
OCPBUGS-25484 : Bump library-go to deal with GET conflict #836
OCPBUGS-24041 : Prevent healthcheck controller from Available=False blipping #834
OCPBUGS-7656 : Remove service ca controller annotation from console-redirect service. #826
OCPBUGS-15827 : Revert #831 and fix cluster proxy annotation on console conversion webhook deployment #833
Revert #822 “OCPBUGS-15827: Update console conversion webhook server to use certwatcher” #831
OCPBUGS-15827 : Update console conversion webhook server to use certwatcher #822
OCPBUGS-25618 : Bump documentationBaseURL to 4.16 #824
OCPBUGS-24913 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #823
CONSOLE-3804 : Reapply separation of the oauthclients controller #814
CONSOLE-3652 : Create StorageVersionMigration for ConsolePlugin CRD v1 migration #816
OCPBUGS-24203 : ConsolePlugin metrics must no longer be grouped by the vendor #819
CONSOLE-3791 : Add “readOnlyRootFilesystem” to all console conta… #809
OCPBUGS-23300 : Disable route controller health check for NLB setup #815
ODC-7418 : Add Janus IDP and RHDH Quick starts #806
TRT-1361 : Revert #808 “CONSOLE-3804: split oauthclient controller from the common logic” #813
CONSOLE-3804 : split oauthclient controller from the common logic #808
CONSOLE-3613 : Update vendor bundle after removing multicluster code #810
CONSOLE-3613 : Remove multicluster code from console operator #799
OCPBUGS-21972 : Disable HTTP/2 for webhook #802
OCPVE-719 : feat: add support for olm capability #795
HOSTEDCP-1250 : remove redundant cert check #801
CONSOLE-3717 : Dockerfile.rhel7: Drop explicit runlevels from some CRD manifests #782
OCPBUGS-19173 : Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator images to be consistent with ART #794
OCPBUGS-19080 : Reset console operator’s conditions #796
CONSOLE-3438 : Switch to using assets #783
OCPBUGS-17424 : Really handle DeletedFinalStateUnknown correctly #786
OCPBUGS-17424 : Handle cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown correctly #785
chore: manifests/09-console-link-*: Drop obsolete deletion manifests #784
CONSOLE-3624 : Add haproxy timeout annotation to console routes #777
ODC-7333 : Bump openshift/api to include ConsoleSample CRD #771
OCPBUGS-15893 : Add missing watch permission for helm-chartrepos-viewers #775
ODC-7333 : Add consolesamples to ClusterRole console-extensions-reader to give all users readonly access #776
OCPBUGS-14716 : Handle branding based on API changes #769
ODC-7339 : Follow up ticket for ODC-7292 #773
OCPBUGS-15499 : Remove managed cluster logic from the operator’s controller #774
ODC-7292 : Add new quickstart for installing Cryostat #770
ODC-7312 : Add OpenShift Quickstart for JBoss EAP 7 #760
ODC-7262 : Add QuickStart approvers and reviewers #772
CONSOLE-3278 : Add client certificate and key to service monitor #668
OCPBUGS-11751 : Remove multicluster conditions from console operator #763
OCPBUGS-12990 : Update command line tools URL with custom downloads route #761
Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator images to be consistent with ART #756
OCPBUGS-5059 : Make enabled plugins unique #710
OCPBUGS-12165 : Proper cleanup of route sync conditions #757
OCPBUGS-12439 : Add new PrometheusRule to collect metrics for cluster-monitoring-operator #755
OCPBUGS-11298 : Disable multicluster tech preview #751
OCPBUGS-11531 : Bump documentationBaseURL to 4.14 #750
CONSOLE-3279 : Add node operating systems to console config #742
Revert “OCPBUGS-11164: Disable multicluster tech preview” #749
OCPBUGS-11164 : Disable multicluster tech preview #743
OCPBUGS-4009 : Console operator should report ConsolePlugins as relate… #706
OCPBUGS-7111 : Filter out managed clusters that are not available #724
OCPBUGS-10108 : ART image update #738
OCPBUGS-2783 : Distinguish between route conditions and remove the old ones #734
CONSOLE-2843 , CONSOLE-3394 : Add ManagedProxyServiceResolver for thanos-querier on all managed clusters #707
ACM-2781 : Have operator as a prerequisite #717
OCPBUGS-4008 : Add managed cluster config map resource version to cons… #723
OCPBUGS-6488 : Recover ConsoleNotificationSync after being degraded #725
OCPBUGS-6520 : Test if all tested resrouces are available before launching Unmanaged* e2e tests #726
PD-1365 : Add quickstart - Get started with multicluster engine #698
ODC-7182 : Export pinned resources to console-config ConfigMap #697
OCPBUGS-4008 : Add app: console
label to managed-clusters configmap #705
OCPBUGS-4630 : Bump docs docs link #704
CONSOLE-3355 : Console operator should sync managed cluster ‘copiedCSVsDisabled’ flag to managed cluster config #701
OCPBUGS-1617 : Remove unused toleration #696
ACM-2063 : Add host inventory quickstart #699
Bug 1770297 : State that odo is comunity supported #695
OCPBUGS-3109 : Change text colour for ConsoleNotification that notifies user that the cluster is being #694
CONSOLE-3286 : Set disabledCopiedCSVs in console #693
CONSOLE-3252 : Create a ConsoleNotification when cluster is performing an upgrade #687
OCPBUGS-2219 : Empty string should be valid for i18n loadType #689
CONSOLE-3337 : Dynamic plugin proxy reference issue #691
OCPBUGS-1708 : Set i18n LoadType to Lazy when v1alpha1 i18n annotation is set to false #684
update to to match OCP 4.12 #688
CONSOLE-3125 : Add cluster filtering by product and ocp version #677
ODC-6778 : Bump openshift/api to get devcatalog disable types cuztomization changes #676
CONSOLE-3069 : Handle new v1 ConsolePlugin api in the operator #683
OCPBUGS-785 : Bump documentationBaseURL to 4.12 #682
ODC-6783 : Export perspectives to console-config ConfigMap #678
CONSOLE 3096: Promote ConsolePlugin CRD to v1 #670
Bug 2100860 : Retrieve user-defined Alertmanager services from shared configmap #658
CONSOLE-3242 : Heterogeneous architecture clusters #669
CONSOLE-3220 : Add console capability to all manifests #665
OCPBUGS-457 : TestEditUnmanagedPodDisruptionBudget flakes #675
OCPBUGS-498 : Update with latest openshift/api changes #674
Bug 2117646 : Changing field on any of routes in the openshift-console namespace wont trigger sync loop #672
Bug 2117142 : update annotations for project-helm-chartrepository-editor #673
Bug 2117142 : Update permission for projecthelmchartrepositories with an aggregator role #667
Bug 2089950 : Deleting downloads deployment should not fail if already deleted #663
Bug 2093852 : InfrastructureTopology must be driving console affinity rule creation #657
Bug 2021297 : Pass RELEASE_VERSION envar into the console pod #659
CONSOLE-3063 : PDB for console pods avoid too many replicas down #655
CONSOLE-3162 : Implement check for the new i18n annotation for dynamic plugins #654
ODC-6670 : Sync consoleConfig telemetry annotations to console-config.yaml #653
Bug 2086519 : AUTH-133: manifests: comply to restricted pod security #652
Bug 2067155 : Modify the operator display name to match it with the name displayed in operatorhub #650
Bug 2075478 : Bump docs version to 4.11 #648
MGMT-9797 : Bump openshift/api
dependency to 04e1813ebb11
Bug 2046497 : Metrics e2e should not fail on first failed polling attempt #645
Bug 2057696 : Console operator should not block installation/upgrade process when set to Removed state #642
CONSOLE 3070: Console-operator should pass infrastructure config’s ControlPlaneToplogy to the console-config.yaml #639
Bug 2046497 : Re-enable TestMetricsEndpoint e2e test case #640
Bug 2048541 : ODF quickstart permissions check #634
Dockerfile.rhel7: add new Helm CRD, ProjectHelmChartRepository #635
Add QS for installing namespeced Helm Chart Repos #631
Implement multicluster tech preview #630
Add Jon Jackson to approvers list #625
Bug 2041605 : Fix plugin proxy path #628
CONSOLE-3005 : Provide alias for dynamic plugin’s proxy #613
Bug 2037635 : Fix setting of custom cert for default route #623
Bug 2033434 : clidownloads: add darwin/arm64 oc #620
Bug 2030574 : Console resources are using older ‘’ annotation #621
Bug 2036937 : Update download odo link to new mirror #622
Library go bump #615
Bug 2021400 : Bump documentationBaseURL to 4.10 #611
CONSOLE-2892 : Allow dynamic plugins to proxy to services on the cluster #603
Bug 2013632 : Correct grammar error in ODF quickstart #608
Bug 2018380 : Migrate docs links to #607
manifests: resources required for adding helm metrics in console #601
Bug 2013632 : Correction/Changes in Quick Start Guides for ODF #598
Bug 2008185 : Console operator go.mod should use go 1.16 version #597
Bug 2009454 : Change web terminal subscription permissions from get to list #588
CONSOLE-2768 : Update default and download deployments to use bindata #550
Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator images to be consistent with ART #592
Bug 1999314 : Resync all controllers periodically #590
Bug 2001240 : Remove SimpleHTTP ‘server’ response header value #585
Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator images to be consistent with ART #586
Bug 1994443 : console-operator should report Available=true when at least available replica exists #580
Bug 2000768 : Fix 4 Quick Starts #581
Bug 1989055 : Revoke usage of Default Ingress Cert for console route healthcheck #582
Bug 2000440 : OCS Quick Start should not be shown unless you have proper privileges #578
Bug 1989055 : logins to the web console fail with custom oauth cert #571
Bug 1986129 : Bump openshift/api to add missing ‘’ annotation to the ConsolePlugin CRD #573
Bug 1992508 : Update base doc URL to 4.9 #572
Bug 1980531 : Add annotation to consoleLink CRDs #565
reduce initial steps to setup project #533
Support External control plane topology #569
Adds ODF install tour #559
pkg/console/subresource/route: Drop GetCanonicalHost and IsAdmitted #568
Remove references to upstream UI components and config #562
Rename Monitoring tab to Observe tab in monitoring sampleapp quickstart #563
Bug 1975379 : Only use
for workload anti-affinity #566
fix: Update the Node.js quickstart example repo. #564
Bug 1975379 : Use hard requirement for anti-affinity rules on both console’s deployments #560
Bug 1966480 : Console-operator’s controllers are passed resourceSyncer which is not used #551
Bug 1975714 : Add policy-group label to the openshift-console namespace manifest #557
Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator images to be consistent with ART #556
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #555
Bug 1971690 : clidownloads: ARM 64 is supported #554
Bug 1952405 : Console operator should report Available:False when it’s route is not accessible #552
Switching the URL of the default openshift helm repo. #545
Bug 1962698 : Console-operator can not create resource console-public configmap in the openshift-config-managed namespace #548
CONSOLE-2768 : Update the console public configmap manifests to use bindata #543
Bug 1960324 : quickstarts: remove “spec.version” #546
Bug 1959696 : Add warning log message when custom domain is configured on console-operator config #544
Bug 1957198 : Remove misspelled console-operator condition #541
Bug 1954866 : Add necessary priority class to downloads #542
Bug 1948524 : Update operator’s status with downloads deployment generation && pull route health check into a standalone controller #531
Bug 1956610 : Add missing cluster profile annotations to manage-helm-repos quickstart manifest #539
Copy AddPage customization object #527
CONSOLE-2793 : Implement console-operator changes to consume new CustomDomains API #522
Bug 1947794 : Pull HelmChartRepository CRD v1 #535
Update for MacOS #536
Bug 1948311 : DelegatingAuthenticationOptions TokenReview request timeout #532
Rename workload annotations #530
update to non-deprecated NewCommand method #534
Bug 1948782 : remove stale annotation for single-node #529
Export quickStarts data to console-config ConfigMap #528
Add management workload annotations #523
Bug 1948524 : Remove ResyncEvery method from the operator sync loop #525
Bug 1947789 : Bump deps to pickup CRD apiVersion bump #524
Export project access details to console-config ConfigMap #514
IBM Cloud manifest profile patch #520
Bug 1945326 : Resync controllers every minute #521
Bump openshift/api to get project access role cuztomization changes #519
Add in get subscriptions to console service account #513
Add e2e test to check correct deployment replicas, based on the Infrastructure config TopologyMode #510
CONSOLE-2792 : Bump openshift/api dependecy in console-operator to get CustomDomain API for Ingress config #517
Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #518
Bug 1937627 : Bump DEFAULT_DOC_URL for 4.8 #515
Bug 1935541 : Check for error when generating default and user-defined config for the console-config configmap #511
CONSOLE-2526 : Update console operator for single-node clusters #508
Bug 1931760 : Non-unified reference to OCS in quickstarts #509
CONSOLE-2366 : Move the operator’s controllers to lib-go controller factory #500
CONSOLE-2757 : Bump #506
Updating openshift-enterprise-console-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #505
Bump polling interval when checking for resource unavailability #507
RetryOnConflict should be fetching latest version of console-operator config #504
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-45706 : Updating ose-csi-external-resizer-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #167
STOR-2018 : Rebase external-resizer to upstream v1.12.0 for OCP 4.18 #166
OCPBUGS-41244 : Updating ose-csi-external-resizer-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #165
STOR-1593 : Rebase to upstream v1.11.1 for 4.17 #164
OCPBUGS-34356 : Updating ose-csi-external-resizer-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #163
OCPBUGS-34356 : Updating ose-csi-external-resizer-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #162
STOR-1573 : Rebase external-resizer
to v1.10.0 for OCP 4.16 #160
OCPBUGS-30502 : CVE-2024-24786: bump to v1.33.0 #159
OCPBUGS-29984 : Updating ose-csi-external-resizer-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #158
OCPBUGS-25540 : Updating ose-csi-external-resizer-container image to be consistent with ART #154
STOR-1688 : Chore: add .snyk file to ignore false positives #153
OCPBUGS-24846 : Updating ose-csi-external-resizer-container image to be consistent with ART #152
OCPBUGS-21593 : CVE-2023-44487: bump to v0.17.0 #146
STOR-1404 : Rebase external-resizer
to v1.9.0 for OCP 4.15 #145
OCPBUGS-19224 : Updating ose-csi-external-resizer images to be consistent with ART #144
STOR-1169 : Rebase external-resizer
to v1.8.0 for OCP 4.14 #141
OCPBUGS-14812 : Chore: Update OWNERS and OWNERS_ALIASES #142
Updating ose-csi-external-resizer images to be consistent with ART #140
Updating ose-csi-external-resizer images to be consistent with ART #139
Updating ose-csi-external-resizer images to be consistent with ART #138
Updating ose-csi-external-resizer images to be consistent with ART #137
STOR-1020 : Rebase external-resizer
to v1.7.0 for OCP 4.13 #136
Updating ose-csi-external-resizer images to be consistent with ART #135
Updating ose-csi-external-resizer images to be consistent with ART #134
UPSTREAM: <carry>: Remove .github files #133
STOR-859 : Rebase to v1.6.0 for OCP 4.12 #132
Updating ose-csi-external-resizer images to be consistent with ART #131
Bug 2097503 : Rebase external-resizer against v1.5 #130
Updating ose-csi-external-resizer images to be consistent with ART #129
Updating ose-csi-external-resizer images to be consistent with ART #128
Bug 2043130 : Rebase resizer v1.4.0 #127
Updating ose-csi-external-resizer images to be consistent with ART #126
Updating ose-csi-external-resizer images to be consistent with ART #125
Updating ose-csi-external-resizer images to be consistent with ART #124
Bug 1993934 : Update CSI sidecars #123
Updating ose-csi-external-resizer images to be consistent with ART #122
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #121
Bug 1924503 : Rebase v1.2.0 #120
Updating ose-csi-external-resizer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #119
Updating ose-csi-external-resizer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #118
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-45588 : Updating csi-livenessprobe-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #70
STOR-2018 : Rebase livenessprobe to v2.14.0 for OCP 4.18 #69
OCPBUGS-41116 : Updating csi-livenessprobe-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #68
OCPBUGS-36456 : Rename Dockerfile #67
OCPBUGS-34275 : Updating csi-livenessprobe-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #66
OCPBUGS-34275 : Updating csi-livenessprobe-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #65
STOR-1573 : Rebase livenessprobe
to v2.12.0 for OCP 4.16 #64
OCPBUGS-30440 : CVE-2024-24786: bump to v1.33.0 #63
OCPBUGS-29972 : Updating csi-livenessprobe-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #62
OCPBUGS-25534 : Updating csi-livenessprobe-container image to be consistent with ART #58
STOR-1688 : Chore: add .snyk file to ignore false positives #57
OCPBUGS-25093 : Updating csi-livenessprobe-container image to be consistent with ART #56
OCPBUGS-24815 : Updating csi-livenessprobe-container image to be consistent with ART #55
OCPBUGS-21593 : CVE-2023-44487: bump to v0.17.0 #49
STOR-1404 : Rebase livenessprobe
to v2.11.0 for OCP 4.15 #48
OCPBUGS-19132 : Updating csi-livenessprobe images to be consistent with ART #47
STOR-1169 : Rebase livenessprobe
to v2.10.0 for OCP 4.14 #44
OCPBUGS-14810 : Chore: Update OWNERS and OWNERS_ALIASES #45
Updating csi-livenessprobe images to be consistent with ART #40
Updating csi-livenessprobe images to be consistent with ART #38
STOR-1020 : Rebase csi-livenessprobe
to v2.9.0 for OCP 4.13 #37
Updating csi-livenessprobe images to be consistent with ART #36
Updating csi-livenessprobe images to be consistent with ART #35
UPSTREAM: <carry>: Remove .github files #34
Updating csi-livenessprobe images to be consistent with ART #33
Updating csi-livenessprobe images to be consistent with ART #32
Updating csi-livenessprobe images to be consistent with ART #31
Updating csi-livenessprobe images to be consistent with ART #30
Updating csi-livenessprobe images to be consistent with ART #29
Updating csi-livenessprobe images to be consistent with ART #28
Bug 1993934 : Update CSI sidecars #27
Updating csi-livenessprobe images to be consistent with ART #25
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #24
Updating csi-livenessprobe builder & base images to be consistent with ART #23
Updating csi-livenessprobe builder & base images to be consistent with ART #22
Full changelog
Update OWNERS #126
Bug 1970141 : discover-etcd-initial-cluster: retry if member is not part of member list and dataDir exists #82
ETCD-178 : Bug 1944386: openshift-tools: fix on off flow and add unit tests #74
Updating ose-etcd builder & base images to be consistent with ART #67
Full changelog
Updating ose-gcp-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #143
Bug 1924508 : Bump dependencies to Kubernetes 1.20.6 to mitigate CVE-2021-3121 #164
Bug 1935636 : Ensure response body is closed when we are finished with the request #151
Full changelog
Updating ose-gcp-pd-csi-driver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #10
Full changelog
Bug 2028092 : gather webhook configurations (#508) (#561) #508
Bug 2026659 : Gather all the container logs from related namespaces of degraded clusteroperator (#516) (#555) #516
Bug 2026410 : Fix PDB gatherer (#552) #552
Bug 2024614 : Anonymize identity provider attributes in the (#520) (#527) (#541) (#549) #520
Bug 2022637 : Anonymize the ImageRegistry storage information also in status (#546) #546
Bug 2002539 : Fix wrong rebase of PSP gatherer (#512) #512
Bug 2002539 : Gather installed PSP names (#489) (#493) #489
Bug 1982170 : Set also the summary operation when updating status (#480) #480
[release 4.7] Bug 1960645: Adds virt_platform metric to the collected metrics (#428) #428
[release 4.7] Bug 1953579: GatherClusterOperators and GatherClusterOperatorsPodAndEvents (#410) #410
Add vsphere_node_hw_version_total metric (#416) #416
Bug 1950926 : Extend OLM data with CSV display name (#400) (#402) #400
Bug 1942068 : Gahter resources from SAP clusters (#383) #383
Bug 1939061 : Sap license management logs gatherer 4.7 (#372) #372
Adds memory usage to the metadata (#364) #364
Bug 1935070 : Extend the OLM operator data with related … (#362) #362
Bug 1934442 : Gather info about unhealthy SAP pods (#360) #360
Bug 1936802 : Authentication log gatherer - do not scan all the pods in openshfit-authentication (#369) #369
Bug 1936861 : Include namespace name in binarydata configmap path & test (#368) (#370) #368
Bug 1925659 : Relax the recent log gatherers to avoid degrading during… (#331) #331
Full changelog
Bug 1964753 : Bump RHCOS 4.7 boot image #5229
Update OWNERS #5243
Bug 1980866 : [4.7] Prefer IPv6 hostIP on bootstrap IPv6 deployments #5067
Bug 1981553 : [release-4.7] aws: move elastic ip permissions to create networking category #5055
Bug 1954595 : Validate noProxy input and add prefix for proxy urls #5060
OWNERS: add more core team members as approvers #5123
Bug 1977481 : Dockerfile: repin libvirt #5043
Bug 1975819 : upi/vsphere: Use Afterburn guestinfo for static IP and hostname config #5025
Bug 1974282 : gather: collect networking information in log bundle #5017
Bug 1971163 : Updating AWS instance types #4992
Bug 1945467 : aws: allow use of unknown regions in known partitions #4807
Bug 1938426 : Set default values to machine pools before validation #4750
Bug 1967355 : pattern removed from sed to prevent expansion #4975
Bug 1956483 : Bump boot images for RHCOS fixes #4961
Bug 1947427 : add proxy params to bootstrap ignition #4830
Bug 1939014 : generate glance url considering the region #4753
Bug 1947216 : pkg/asset/installconfig/aws: Add iam permission for destorying clusters #4827
Bug 1948398 : remove ovirt_cafile from ovirt-credentials secret #4842
Bug 1962435 : aws: using dotted domain when looking for public hosted zone #4948
Bug 1940275 : Revert “baremetal: send full ignition to masters” #4767
Bug 1943500 : Bump gophercloud utils #4794
Bug 1958518 : aws: restore setting aws platform spec in infra resource #4918
Bug 1958428 : aws: support more auth options in manual mode #4914
Bug 1945907 : Byo aws iam roles 4.7 #4813
Bug 1954803 : aws: support for bring-your-own hosted zone #4887
Bug 1951571 : is no longer valid #4853
Bug 1954152 : manifests: populate aws user tags in infrastructure #4882
Bug 1935174 : RHCOS bump for LUKS, prjquota, etc #4791
Bug 1947122 : gcp: install google cloud sdk with yum the recommended way #4824
Bug 1933728 : baremetal: include netmask in DNSMasq dhcp range #4698
Bug 1930106 : bump ignition to v3_2 #4701
Bug 1922292 : [release-4.7] data/rhcos.json: Update boot images #4635
Bug 1924701 : Fix cluster destroy when byo is used with Kuryr #4616
Bug 1909978 : update ignore-volume-az documentation #4617
Bug 1916692 : OpenStack: Delete leftover LBs when destroying cluster #4563
Bug 1919407 : openstack/validation: enforce control plane size #4585
Bug 1909978 : update documentation for ignore-volume-az usage #4603
Bug 1896218 : remove GCP role bindings before service accounts #4602
Bug 1921911 : Revert “Merge pull request #4589 from patrickdillon/bz-1896218-gcp-se… #4600
Bug 1921655 : OpenStack: fix error handling for cloudinfo #4599
Bug 1896218 : remove GCP role bindings before service accounts #4589
Updating ose-installer-artifacts builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4546
maintenance: remove pools and volumes #3620
Bug 1810438 : oVirt: Add missing piece for gathering bootstrap IP info #4524
Updating ose-baremetal-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4544
Updating ose-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4543
Bug 1920243 : disable anonymous auth on bootstrap nodes #4590
Bug 1917101 : UPI ovirt - remove RHCOS image from Network req #4577
Bug 1893117 : terraform/vsphereprivate: ignore hosts in maintenance mode #4566
Bug 1919072 : AWS cloudformation change protocol from ESP to 50 #4583
Bug 1916938 : tolerate equal APIFloatingIP and LbFloatingIP #4575
Bug 1907822 : Don’t panic on bad data in quota validations #4483
Bug 1912828 : Rebase on the latest terraform provider/go-ovirt #4562
Bug 1916373 : upi: allow IPsec ports #4552
Bug 1915460 : ovirt: validate cluster name during install #4537
Bug 1910244 : Go mod update for golang crypto #4569
Bug 1915617 : update boot images for various fixes #4540
Bug 1909502 : pkg/asset/manifests: remove etcd records from proxy config #4518
Bug 1915998 : Set Additional Control Plane Security Groups on Bootstrap Node #4551
Bug 1916271 : openstack known issues: ControlPlane anti-affinity #4548
Bug 1813949 : ignore local env variables when we create a service client #4426
Bug 1916505 : AWS IPI: Add IPsec master-to-worker flows #4554
Bug 1908468 : azure/validation: some memory values are float and not int #4530
Bug 1908583 : Set same additional networks on Bootstrap as Control Plane #4528
Bug 1914439 : OpenStack Port Create Typo in SRIOV Docs #4529
Bug 1909587 : openstack: Create Control plane nodes sequentially #4522
Bug 1910127 : ovirt: UPI doc improvements #4498
Bug 1913151 : KubeVirt user docs: change role example - add “update” verb to VM #4521
Bug 1910070 : Set termination_grace_period_seconds to 10 minutes #4511
Bug 1786314 : bump gophercloud/utils #4486
Bug 1911819 : Fix docs/user/kubevirt/install-config.yaml to pass ./hack/ #4519
Bug 1911819 : Add kubevirt user documentation #4516
Bug 1908743 : Add validation that the KubeMacPool component is enabled for the namespace #4509
Bug 1910049 : Revert “openstack UPI: Use ansible-galaxy” #4506
Bug 1882022 : installconfig: enable vsphere folders for datacenters and clusters. #4493
Bug 1908782 : terraform: Add rules to allow internal IPsec traffic #4491
Bug 1908171 : fix Terraform issue with GCP custom machine types #4496
Bug 1907947 : cloud-creds-secret creation with current context info only #4484
Bug 1907628 : OpenStack Documentation for MachineSets with Multiple Networks #4463
Bug 1906517 : OpenStack: Skip collecting info for empty subnet IDs #4474
Bug 1908280 : update docs for Cinder AZs #4487
Bug 1907621 : Bump cluster-api-provider-kubevirt version #4479
Bug 1890228 : pkg/destroy/aws: Pass destroy if HostedZone does not exist #4477
Bug 1906459 : openstack: fix quota checks when they’re unlimited #4470
Update GCP Customization doc to reflect CMEK additions #4468
Openstack: describes how to enable qemu agent for UPI. #4441
oVirt: update team members #4464
Bug 1904663 : Fix comparison in pointer ignition customization asset #4455
openstack: Test Nova AZ manifest generation #4459
do not generate the cloud cred secret when credentialsMode is Manual #4416
update gophercloud/utils & terraform/provider-openstack #4457
hack/ Fail early if error #4421
Bug 1899175 : data/rhcos.json: Update boot images for RHEL 8.3 #4414
Openstack primary subnet using machine spec #4346
Deprecate computeFlavor in OpenStack platform #4321
openstack: Test manifest creation #4431
openstack: Allow to skip pre-flight validations #4452
Bug 1900138 : Removed support for insecure mode for oVirt/RHV installation #4404
openstack: check quotas before creating cluster #4432
OpenStack: Adds clusterOSImageProperties to install-config.yaml #4401
Bug 1904125 : Ensure the bootstrap ignition libvirt pool defaults to <clustername>.<id>.bootstrap rather than ‘default’ #4448
Bug 1868748 : baremetal: rename JSON field for ClusterProvisioningIP #4053
Add KubeVirt platform as infrastructure for Openshift installation #4350
cloudproviderconfig: Refactor openstack #4447
Pass CLUSTER_PROFILE env var to CVO render #4444
vSphere Destroy: add log messages for tag destruction #4407
baremetal: send full ignition to masters #4427
asset/installconfig/Azure: Validate install-config instance types #4419
Update MCO doc references #4445
baremetal: Add ironic logwatch containers #4437
Create SR-IOV UPI Docs #4439
docs: update docs/design/resource_dep.svg #4443
Bug 1903277 : destroy/aws: remove rules from default security group #4440
Set default release image to 4.7 #4409
baremetal: make cluster provisioning IP optional #4429
pkg/asset/quota: Typo in warning message presented to user #4430
Create a machineconfig for IPI pointer ignition customizations #4413
vSphere Docs: Update to include Permissions #4393
OSASINFRA-902 : Update OpenStack Custom External LB and DNS Docs #4389
baremetal: correct the cacheImageURL when we don’t have a provisioningIP #4408
Bug 1895874 : Use oVirt Engine certificate verified by the user for installation #4387
Bug 1899853 : openstack: CP nodes port to use addtional SGs #4411
baremetal: Handle xz filenames for OKD #4392
Support user provided service-account-signing-key and issuer #4373
pkg: validation for previously existing ovirt configuration #4354
Bug 1898194 : installconfig/gcp/validation: handle custom machine types #4386
baremetal: when networking is disabled make the bootstrap provisioning ip optional #4390
Bug 1898238 : Validate the the API and Ingress FIPs are not the same #4385
Bug 1848945 : OpenStack - Documentation for adding worker nodes using ansible #4205
Bug 1813012 : Remove unused etcd discovery domain #4067
Bug 1894432 : oVirt, add timeout to tmp_import_vm #4341
baremetal: validate that macs are EUI-48 and unicast #4378
Bug 1855351 : standardize interrupt error messages #4360
Stop validating DefaultMachinePlatform #4391
Bug 1889779 : vSphere destroy: handle failed clusters #4388
openstack UPI: Use ansible-galaxy #4379
Updating ose-baremetal-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4370
Correcting normal typos #4363
Bug 1891543 : openstack: remove platform flavor validation #4383
baremetal: remove root_gb from tfvars #4319
Cleanup: make conversion functions private #4376
Bug 1888464 : add tag:UnTagResource perm for aws shared networks #4371
Remove the secrets directory recursively #4369
doc/openstack: update quota reqs for kuryr #4362
Fix ‘troubleshooting’ typo #4365
libvirt: Bump bootstrap size (primarily for OKD) #4364
data/data/aws/route53: use CNAME for us-iso-east-1 region #4367
Bug 1886435 : Fix azure UPI az group deployment deprecation #4366
asset/installconfig/gcp: Validate install-config instance types #4329
Use ‘’ instead of SecretTypeTLS which is not being substituted #4342
aws: support custom trust bundle for c2s regions #4335
pkg/asset/cluster/aws: switch to ec2 tagging API #4356
Bug 1867165 : baremetal: allow configuring bootstrap mac addresses #4052
doc/openstack/UPI: improvements #4355
Small corrections in ovirt/ #4353
data/bootstrap/files/usr/local/bin/installer-gather: Tee logs into tarball #4345
data/manifests/bootkube/cvo-overrides: Bump default to stable-4.7 #4347
owners: Add mdbooth to openstack-approvers #4348
owners: add dhellmann to baremetal-approvers/reviewers #4343
data/manifests/bootkube/cvo-overrides: Drop the explicit upstream #4112
Bug 1891543 : openstack: consider volumes for storage requirements checks #4323
Document how to deploy cluster with BM and VM workers #4336
Wrap errors after OpenStack creds validation #4338
Bug 1855351 : Handle CTRL+C in GCP survey #4334
Bug 1894144 : baremetal: pin libvirt to 4.5.0 #4339
cmd/openshift-install/create: Use library-go’s IngressURI helper #4245
Bug 1888378 : Ignore error if resource group already deleted #4325
Bug 1887863 : Patch Flavor Not Found validation for OpenStack Install Config #4289
Use authentication for Ironic on baremetal bootstrap host #4256
Bug 1841381 : oVirt, add memoryMB validation #4309
Bug 1878374 : Adding more nitro and the AMD instance types (AWS, UPI) #4327
Bug 1866925 : display Azure destroy auth error #4331
openstack: fixup markdown #4328
Revert “[Azure][Destroy] Check if resource group exists” #4322
Add Encryption Key reference to GCP MachinePool API #4318
aws: block cluster destroy in c2s region #4316
aws: ensure users set ami id for c2s regions #4315
Bug 1891702 : pkg/asset/ignition/bootstrap: exit loop if pem.Decode() fails #4317
Bug 1888378 : [Azure][Destroy] Check if resource group exists #4320
oVirt: change owners #4311
Code cleanup and optimizations #4272
Bug 1889267 : oVirt, increase terraform template and release image timeout to 20m #4285
install-approvers: add staebler #4297
Bug 1880443 : allow providing client options when generating OpenStack MachineSets #4196
openstack: Update CI base image #4291
pkg/asset/installconfig/aws: Validate install-config instance type #4258
go.mod Update #4294
Bug 1836017 : Configure haproxy to check /readyz #4012
Bug 1870728 : pkg/asset/ignition/bootstrap: Display warning if certificates are expired #4287
Bug 1889852 : add new AWS regions #4288
Bug 1877116 : aws: use file for bootstrap ign when uploading to s3 #4281
Bug 1886553 : GCP - Increase worker NAT min ports #4273
cmd: split newlines in logrus stderr output to new entry #4282
openstack: Add a new team member #4290
Bug 1882649 : Determine Glance disk format based on file extension #4279
vSphere: Update dockerfile removing certificate #4274
Update - Broken Link - Spelling #4278
OpenStack: remove legacy image validation #4277
Bug 1882844 : vsphere destroy: delete tag category created by installer #4265
Bug 1878900 : openstack: Fix error messages in flavor validation #4269
OpenStack UPI: Custom API and Ingress vip addresses #4092
Bug 1888671 : openstack: Document Cinder’s ignore-volume-az #4271
Bump version to v0.19.0 #4266
destroy: return aws resources that could not be deleted #4270
install-complete: provide troubleshooting info when operators fail #4259
OpenStack: add clusterOSImage validations #3964
Bug 1887525 : baremetal: Wait for master-bmh-update script to succeed #4262
openstack: Bump Ansible to 2.9 in UPI #4261
Bug 1874248 : types/vsphere/validation: ensure vcenter is all lower case #4254
Bug 1884691 : types: allow manual cred mode for gcp and azure #4238
Updating ose-installer builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4250
Remove dead code #4252
Updating ose-installer-artifacts builder & base images to be consistent with ART #4251
openstack privileges documented #4214
OpenStack: Rename lbFloatingIP to apiFloatingIP #4244
Bug 1882191 : Add GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0 to systemd DefaultEnvironment #4248
Bug 1884435 : vsphere - add delay if resolv.conf is not available; wait for dhcp #4237
Bug 1777224 : pkg/asset: metadata to depend on ignition #4223
Bump RHCOS images for Ignition entropy fix #4241
Bug 1859174 : Upgrade Terraform provider OpenStack #4216
Fix json tag for GCP auth service account #4166
installer/pkg/quota/gcp/limits.go: fix minor typo in comment #4160
IP address should be specified without underscore. #3204
Docs: OpenStack: Remove mention of cluster failing to destroy #4208
Bug 1876815 : OpenStack: unset OS_CLOUD #4231
Bug 1884558 : do not use local cacert path in generated clouds.yaml #4227
Bug 1878758 : openstack UPI: Allow for no FIP or router #4219
Bug 1876844 : openstack UPI: Ignition token needs Glance access #4236
Bug 1881703 : Revert “Have the MCO manage the ignition stub config” #4228
Bug 1882752 : openstack BM: Remove MachineSet on separate subnet #4230
Bug 1878900 : openstack: Skip validation for baremetal flavors #4222
Bug 1881532 : openstack: Only list external networks in prompt #4226
Bug 1882805 : Bump bootimages for ppc64le and s390x to 46.82.202009240941-0 and 46.82.202009241338-0 #4215
Bug 1881757 : tls: set mcs cert common name to not-valid-hostname #4210
Bug 1882810 : vsphere - local dns prepender not named with template #4220
Bug 1853418 : Ignore trailing dots in baseDomain #4146
Bug 1881487 : data/rhcos.json: Update to 46.82.202009220041-0 #4206
Bug 1877984 : Fix “OpenShiftSDN” to proper case when generating network config #4207
Bug 1879533 : oVirt UPI - Better explanation of the inventory #4180
Bug 1878789 : Add note about ignition certificates expiration #4171
Bug 1877854 : OpenStack: Support multiple subnets #4093
Bug 1879649 : oVirt UPI - Simplify create templates #4182
Bug 1880393 : OpenStack UPI: Explain how to encode cert to base64 #4203
Bug 1880393 : OpenStack UPI: Trim EOLs from the cacert trustbundle #4201
Bug 1878163 : Updating images/baremetal/ baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4186
Bug 1879891 : Fix cluster destroy when fip less installation happened #4191
Bug 1878163 : Updating images/installer/ baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4185
Bug 1878163 : Updating images/installer-artifacts/Dockerfile.rhel baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4184
Bug 1876815 : unset OS_CLOUD during config generator #4177
Bug 1878108 : asset/quota/gcp: use GCP api to find CPU count for constraint and guess only on failure #4163
Bug 1877486 : proxy: allow * for noProxy #4172
Bug 1880132 : destroy/gcp: correct extract service account email from IAM policy binding member #4193
Bug 1861917 : Add cpc config to bootstrap #4178
install: increase timeout to 40 minutes #4181
Bug 1879081 : OpenStack: Switch to train/centos8 repos #4175
Bug 1877885 : oVirt UPI - Add Ansible playbooks download #4169
Bug 1878758 : openstack UPI: Optional floating IPs #3755
Bug 1877763 : oVirt UPI - python code snippets without semicolons #4170
Bug 1874747 : ovirt: dont start the temp VM before template creation #4168
Bug 1878243 : openstack: Upgrade the CI build image #4161
Bug 1877440 : oVirt UPI Assets_dir set according to env var #4153
Bug 1874457 : Add support to clean custom router #4159
Bug 1877676 : OpenStack: Refresh documentation about ingress FIP #4059
Bug 1877436 : oVirt UPI RHCOS explanations, assets env var #4152
Bug 1877862 : oVirt UPI - Fix templates check and optimize image check #4157
Bug 1877741 : gather openshift-{azure,gcp}-routes logs #4148
Bug 1873125 : Fix python syntax for OpenStack UPI scripts #4154
Bug 1870038 : vmware upi: haproxy.service to rm haproxy pod on ExecStop #4132
Bug 1866925 : pkg/destroy/azure: fail fast if unable to list resources for any reason #4025
Bug 1873125 : OpenStack: UPI missing instructions to update apiVIP and ingressVIP #4133
Bug 1875855 : increase timeout for bootstrap ignition downloading #4145
Bug 1856928 : Fix Non yaml files in manifests/ or openshift/ directories preventing bootstrap from completing #4091
Bug 1876825 : generate lbFloatingIP in OpenStack config #4147
Bug 1876792 : oVirt UPI Move Network Requirements section #4142
Bug 1876783 : oVirt UPI fix python cmd #4141
Bug 1876562 : Small readability improvements to UPI on RHV documentation #4136
Bug 1871653 : baremetal: set root device hints on host resources #4088
Bug 1875932 : Update baremetal DNS design details #4101
Bug 1868439 : openstack UPI: Fix JSON syntax #4140
Bug 1874656 : Bump RHCOS for s390x/ppc64le to fix SSH authentication #4124
Bug 1861917 : bootkube: add image for cluster-policy-controller #4131
Bug 1871712 : pkg/destroy/aws: Detach attached policies during destroy #4126
Bug 1867975 : aws: ensure users set ami id for us-gov and cn regions #4103
Bug 1868439 : openstack UPI: Fix Ingition key error #4135
Bug 1872080 : Updating images/baremetal/ baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4086
Bug 1872080 : Updating images/installer-artifacts/Dockerfile.rhel baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4085
Bug 1872080 : Updating images/installer/ baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #4087
BUG 1872646: oVirt, remove tmp VM disk on destroy #4129
hack/update-rhcos-bootimage: update usage example #4097
Bug 1813012 : Remove unused flags previously needed for etcd static pod #4063
Bug 1842071 : Add ppc64le and s390x documentation links #4115
Bug 1873448 : Ensure proper tagging of compute nodes ports #4118
Bug 1872861 : Update cli container image for UPI #4098
Bug 1873712 : Add information about AZs limitations with Kuryr #4109
Bug 1871795 : bump RHCOS images to fix SSH authentication #4095
Bug 1873123 : omit deprecated parameters during config generation #4100
Bug 1813012 : Remove unused etcd host service and endpoints #4068
Bug 1871030 : data/data/gcp: be pedantic about setting the region #4089
Bug 1856270 : Update known issues with info about provisioning state node bug #4083
Bug 1870082 : Use index in MachineSet names for Openstack IPI #4070
Bug 1813012 : Remove legacy code for unmanaged cluster-etcd-operator #4062
Bug 1863026 : docs/user/azure: remove newlines from base64 encoding in UPI install doc #4090
Bug 1871048 : OpenStack: dynamically set end of DHCP allocation pool #4077
Bug 1868773 : Libvirt: Bump bootstrap memory to 4G #4080
Bug 1862209 : aws: fix validation for user tags #4081
Bug 1871124 : OpenStack: Improve snippet for playbooks download #4079
Bug 1871124 : openstack UPI: Provide a way to get the playbooks #4078
Bug 1866534 : fixes bootstrap DNS failure on bare metal #4015
Bug 1862957 : bump RHCOS images for FIPS fix #4066
Bug 1870592 : openstack: Document MachineSet availabilityZone #4074 Remove experimental tag for OpenStack UPI #3982
Bug 1866693 : docs: drop kernel-devel from supported extensions #4030
Bug 1864092 : baremetal: copy the implementation of rootdevicehints from baremetal-operator #4002
Bug 1862290 : vendor/terraform-provider-vsphere: DiskPostCloneOperation patch carry #4060
Bug 1868439 : openstack UPI: Fix Ignition v3 #4058
openstack: Known issue: no BMs on Kuryr #4051
Bug 1869329 : OpenStack: Place Bootstrap in one of the master AZs #4056
Bump rhcos images for s390x #4050
OpenStack: Fixups to BM workers documentation #4057
Bug 1868439 : openstack upi: fix Ignition key error #4047
OpenStack: baremetal worker documentation #3955
Bug 1866949 : data/data/aws/route53: use CNAME for gov cloud partition #4043
Bug 1862044 : deleting servers using metadata-based filtering #4032
Bug 1867972 : destroy/aws: setup the resourcetagging api with correct region for gov cloud #4042
Bump rhcos images for ppc64le #4021
Bug 1867519 : make externalNetwork optional #4029
Full changelog
Updating ironic-hardware-inventory-recorder-image builder & base images to be consistent with ART #502
Full changelog
Updating kube-rbac-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #42
Full changelog
Updating ose-kube-storage-version-migrator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #167
Full changelog
Updating ose-libvirt-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #212
Bug 1938316 : [release-4.7] Update MAO and set metrics on :8081 address #219
Full changelog
Bug 2022839 : GCP CI runs are complaining about APIs not being enabled #954
Bump some SHAs #937
Bug 1993118 : Make sure nodes don’t have attached volumes before vm deletion #904
Bug 1999590 : [release-4.7] add alert for machine with long deletion phase #907
Bug 1989648 : Prevent machine from stucking in Deleting phase on vSphere if related node object not found #895
Bug 1933586 : Make sure phase is always set before creation #858
Bug 1924517 : Bump dependencies to Kubernetes 1.20.6 to mitigate CVE-2021-3121 #867
Bug 1955689 : Webhook filter should check for both mutating and validating webhooks #861
Bug 1947372 : vSphere, detach virtual disks before virtual machine destroy if node not available #841
Bug 1954610 : Update GCP default image to match 4.7 release #856
Bug 1929721 : Add SecurityProfile.EncryptionAtHost parameter to enable host-based VM encryption #818
Bug 1934798 : reuse mgr client in webhooks #821
Full changelog
Dockerfile.template: add machine-os version label #261
Remove .github, dependabot doesn’t work for non-default branches #255
Update Fedora CoreOS stable #245
Bump fedora-coreos-config to latest stable #238
dependabot: make PRs for release-4.7 branch #225
Add dependabot config to get gitsubmodule updates #223
Periodic rebase Oct 22 #219
Remove NM 1.32 repo #215
Bump fedora-coreos-config to latest stable #208
overlay: Disable zincati.service via dropin on bootstrap node #205
okd-repos: remove failovermethod #201
overlay: add NetworkManager config to prevent requesting additional MAC #198
Bump fedora-coreos-config to latest stable #194
Bump fedora-coreos-config to latest stable #187
Bump fedora-coreos-config to latest stable #181
Bump fedora-coreos-config to latest stable #173
Periodic submodule bump #170
Bump fedora-coreos-config #162
Undo systemd-resolved change in… #160
manifest: fasttrack NetworkManager 1.32 #152
manifests: add CVO annotations #155
Revert “manifests: unset OKD extensions” #149
Dockerfiles: /extensions needs to be a valid RPM repo #144
Update fedora-config-devel to latest stable #147
manifests: unset OKD extensions #145
overlay: make sure we explicitely disable DNS Stub Listener #142
Convert into Cosa manifest repo #135
Update NetworkManager-ovs to 1.30 #131
Bump NM to NetworkManager-ovs-1:1.26.8 #124
Pin NetworkManager-ovs #120
Strip xattrs #112
overlay: add NetworkManager config to prevent requesting additional MAC #109
overlay: add dhcp-client-identifier #101
manifests: add include.release annotations #98
Switch to stable FCOS stream #96
Full changelog
Updating ose-multus-admission-controller builder & base images to be consistent with ART #30
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-52415 : replace entrypoint #349
NP-1128 : Ds merge 2/25/25 #346
NP-1100 : Add nodeslicecontroller to dockerfile #341
OKD-232 : fix for new SCOS builds #322
NP-1110 : Allow go vet to be skipped #327
NP-1110 : Remove build from make test-skip-static #326
NP-1110 : <Carry> Add test dockerfile #325
NP-1111 : replace ls line #323
NP-1111 : Commit for test logs <temp> #321
<Carry> OCPBUGS-45854: Add test dockerfile #319
NP-1108 : <Carry> Add test dockerfile #318
NP-1107 : Ds merge 11/27/2024 #317
OCPBUGS-6869 : Ds merge 10/25/25 #315
OCPBUGS-33946 : Ds merge 10/9/24 #314
NP-1057 : Ds merge 08/02/2024 #307
OCPBUGS-33941 : upstream sync 23072024 #303
NP-1045 : Update owners #285
OCPBUGS-29648 : upstream sync 13062024 #290
OCPBUGS-24663 : upstream sync 2024/05/23 #284
OCPBUGS-33565 : Upstream sync may24 #278
OCPBUGS-32931 : Add .snyk file #254
OCPBUGS-28556 : Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #242
OCPBUGS-26986 : Downstream sync - includes configurable schedule for reconciler #227
OCPBUGS-26017 : Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni-container image to be consistent with ART #223
OCPBUGS-24608 : Downstream sync - includes assignment error fix #211
OCPBUGS-24720 : Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni-container image to be consistent with ART #213
OCPBUGS-24720 : Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni-container image to be consistent with ART #212
OCPBUGS-22075 : update to v0.17.0 #206
OCPBUGS-18893 : Rechecking pending Pods (conflict resolved) #196
OCPBUGS-18847 : Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #192
Bug 16002 : Change default binary to RHEL8 image #172
OCPBUGS-15905 : Denormalize IP name before checking if pod is alive [Backport 4.14] #167
Bug 16136 : Introduce to call ip-control-loop based on RHEL ver #147
Downstream sync july23 #137
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #150
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #149
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #148
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #146
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #143
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #142
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #141
Restores RHEL specific binary copy and updates to rhel9/8 #140
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #136
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #130
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #129
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #128
OCPBUGS-11324 : respect requested allocation range when exluding ranges [backport 4.14] #121
Upstream sync 2023 03 29 #119
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #115
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #112
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #111
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #110
Upstream sync: IP reconciler controller and dual stack #107
OCPBUGS-2948 : Excluded ranges bug (#282) #102
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #100
Fix commitish for non-default interfaces fix #96
ip-reconciler: Add all non default interfaces to Pod IP list #95
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #81
Bug 2065785 : Sync upstream for context improvements #87
Bug 2050409 : ip-reconciler should have known errors from api server on instantiation #84
Bug 2052055 : client-go bump to v1.22 #82
Configurable sleep_for_race parameter #74
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #66
Reconciler: kubeconfig update #73
build, ip reconciler: have configurable logging #72
Bug 2004632 : Sync for release on cancel #68
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni images to be consistent with ART #60
Downstream sync: July ‘21 #62
Adds Miguel and Nikhil to OWNERS #61
Updating ose-multus-whereabouts-ipam-cni-alt images to be consistent with ART #57
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #55
Fix IP address type size to 16 bytes #51
Bug 1919048 : Fix for IPv6 when leading hextets equal zero #48
The README should direct users to the upstream source. #46
Full changelog
Updating ose-network-metrics-daemon images to be consistent with ART #62
Full changelog
Updating golang-github-openshift-oauth-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #198
Full changelog
OSASINFRA-3609 : Mark the repository as obsolete #180
OSASINFRA-3531 : Bump Gophercloud to v2 #178
NO-JIRA: Use config map hooks from library-go #179
OCPBUGS-41117 : Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #177
NO-JIRA: Add more docs for configuration options #167
STOR-1596 : Bump all deps for 4.17 #176
OCPBUGS-30949 : Add config map hooks #168
OCPBUGS-34870 : Correct out-of-bounds check #170
OCPBUGS-34276 : Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #169
OCPBUGS-28230 : enforce termination message policy on all platform pods #166
OCPBUGS-26924 : Add healtcheck for node-registrar #161
OCPBUGS-30951 : Relax requirement to enable topology #164
STOR-1574 : Bump all deps #159
OCPBUGS-28937 : Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #160
STOR-1574 : Bump library-go #158
STOR-1714 : Release leadership on SIGTERM #155
OCPBUGS-25340 : Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #152
STOR-1688 : Chore: add .snyk file to ignore false positives #151
OCPBUGS-24226 : setting TLSSecurityProfile with no minTLSVersion crashes controller #150
OCPBUGS-25340 : Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #149
OCPBUGS-24844 : Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator-container image to be consistent with ART #145
OCPBUGS-23306 : Add annotation to CSI driver Pod preventing eviction from the cluster-autoscaler #146
STOR-1281 : Make Cinder CSI Driver Topology feature configurable #127
OCPBUGS-23878 : OCPBUGS-22624: CVE-2023-45142: bump to v0.46.0 #141
STOR-1402 , STOR-1453 : update libraries and specify TLS_MIN_VERSION #143
OCPBUGS-22357 : CVE-2023-44487: bump to master #140
OCPBUGS-21593 : CVE-2023-44487: bump to v0.17.0 #134
STOR-1276 : Enable support for mounting volumes with SELinux context #129
OCPBUGS-19213 : Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #133
OSASINFRA-2139 : Document how we manage configuration #110
STOR-1436 : Restart openstack-cinder-csi-driver-controller
Pods if metrics-serving-cert changed #128
Remove Dockerfile.rhel7 #126
Configure User Agent #123
OCPBUGS-16654 : Revert revert “STOR-1065: Rework sidecar bindings to b… #119
OCPBUGS-16783 : Chore: Update OWNERS and OWNERS_ALIASES #121
OCPBUGS-16526 : Bump library-go to remove dependency on goproxy #122
OCPBUGS-16678 : Fix SCC admission failure race during initial deployment #120
Revert “STOR-1065: Rework sidecar bindings to bind common ClusterRoles” #118
STOR-1065 : Rework sidecar bindings to bind common ClusterRoles #117
OCPBUGS-14824 : Bump cinder-csi-driver-operator library-go #116
STOR-1168 : Bump common libraries #115
Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #113
OCPBUGS-12651 : Bump #114
Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #112
Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #111
OSASINFRA-3000 Prefer a Cinder CSI-specific config map #82
OCPBUGS-8683 : Add management workloads annotations #109
Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #108
STOR-1019 : Bump to k8s 1.26 libs for OCP 4.13 #107
STOR-947 : support disabling default StorageClass via ClusterCSIDriver #103
Bug 2106736 : Add multiplePVsSameID capability #106
STOR-1078 : Add hostPaths necessary for SELinux mounts #105
Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #101
OCPBUGS-4347 : set TLS cipher suites in Kube RBAC sidecars #100
Bug OCPBUGS-2845: Add SecretHashAnnotation to node service #96
OCPBUGS-1904 : Only deploy VolumeSnapshotClass when CRD exists #94
Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #93
STOR-858 : Bump* and* #92
Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #90
Bug 2090662 : SWEET32: Improve TLS configuration for Kube RBAC Proxy (cont) #88
Bug 2090662 : SWEET32: Improve TLS configuration for Kube RBAC Proxy #85
Bug 2089973 : bump libs to k8s 1.24 for OCP 4.11 #84
Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #83
Bug 2065597 : Add support for dynamic, user-managed config #78
Mark CSI StorageClass as the default one #80
Add OpenStack team to approvers #81
Bug 2074292 : Address CVE-2022-27191 #79
Bug 2067869 : Address CVE-2022-21698 #77
Remove Ephemeral mode from the CSI driver #76
Bug 2061732 : Fail gracefully on failure to populate cloud info #74
Set fsGroupPolicy in CSIDriver #75
Bump gophercloud #73
Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #68
Bug 2043130 : openstack-cinder: Add external-snapshotter permissions to patch snapshots #67
Bug 2038934 : Add custom CA bundle support #66
Bug 2038053 : Bump k8s to 1.23 #65
Bug 2027685 : relax health probes against Cinder API #63
Bug 2028484 : CSI driver’s livenessprobe does not respect operator’s loglevel #62
Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #60
Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #57
Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #56
Bug 1993931 : Storage operators use older kubernetes client #55
Bug 1989215 : [openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator] csi-liveness-probe is not deployed #52
Bug 1948090 : Fix number of replicas #53
Bug 1948090 : Deploy multiple replicas of CSI Controller Service #51
Remove Fedosin from Owners #46
Bug 1909058 : Explicitly set default value for ReclaimPolicy #50
Start using embed for assets #42
Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator images to be consistent with ART #48
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #47
Bug 1960732 : delete manifests and update readme #45
Bug 1936871 : support clouds with multiple availability zones #43
Bug 1905849 : create default VolumeSnapshotClass #40
Bug 1952211 : Fix error when mounting /var/lib/kubelet/pods #41
Bug 1957149 : Revert “Bug 1905849: create default VolumeSnapshotClass” #38
Bug 1905849 : create default VolumeSnapshotClass #36
Bug 1954003 : Fix snapshotter metrics endpoint #37
Bug 1947774 : fix imagePullPolicy to ifNotPresent #35
Cinder: Add metrics scraping #34
Bug 1909136 : Pass cluster ID to CSI driver #33
Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #32
Bug 1918562 : bump library-go #30
Bug 1933184 : Add maxUnavailable to DaemonSets #28
Fix logLevel propagation to the operands #27
Updating ose-openstack-cinder-csi-driver-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #25
Cleanup: Remove serviceName from controller manifest #26
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-24925 : Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #177
OCPBUGS-24925 : Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers-container image to be consistent with ART #176
15143237: Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #174
Fix swapped CPU socket and thread mapping #172
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #171
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #170
Improve logging #168
update go-ovirt-client #167
added wrapped klogr for unified logging #166
Remove duplicate MemoryMB validation #165
Ocprhv 681 automatic credentials update #161
Added @Darth-Mera as approver #164
Add validations tests #163
updated readme and custom capo docs #162
Refactor controller structure #160
Disable memory ballooning in high perf workers #143
Fix OCPRHV-789 #159
OCPRHV-788 : added check for high_performance to set placement_policy_affinity #144
added functional test for automatically updating credentials #158
set serial console enabled for high performance VMs #157
enable headless for high performance VMs #156
disable soundcard for high performance VMs #155
dedicated functional test run script #154
update envtest setup for CI #153
added generation of crds #150
removed test stage in dockerfile #151
OCPRHV-806 : added functional test for actuator #148
added first set unit tests for machine validation #147
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #146
Bug 2100496 : VM creation fails w. AG without description #145
Bug 2099293 : cluster API provider should use latest go-ovirt-client #142
Bug 2094806 : Update dependencies to K8s 1.24, go 1.18 #141
Added @engelmi as approver #137
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #139
Bug 2082535 : clone flag doesn’t work #138
Bug 2077597 : bump go-ovirt-client to v1.0.0-alpha4 #136
Bug:2076270 better VM deletion handling #134
Bug 2076277 : add Storage Domain Configuration to the machineset #133
Bug 2074710 : Transition to go ovirt client #131
Bug 2056454 : Preallocated disks for OCP nodes #129
Updated OCP on RHV team members #130
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #128
update to golang 1.17 #126
Bug 2024328 : detach non-bootable disks before removing the VM #123
Update machine-api-operator dependencies to latest version #122
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #119
Bug 1994410 : minor error changes #117
Bug 1984481 : correct IPAddress detection for OVNKubernetes #114
Add support for guaranteed memory field #113
Refactor Provider - part 1 #107
Updated owners because of GitHub account change #112
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers images to be consistent with ART #111
Bug 1972747 : allow auto pinning new names #110
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #109
Removing Roy, adding myself to the OWNERS file #108
Bug 1948719 : update controller-runtime dependency #106
Bug 1954177 : Update mao dependency for webhook v1 changes #103
move to go 1.16 #104
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #101
Bug 1948963 : add support for hugepages #102
Bug 1941334 : Add support for auto pinning policy #100
Bug 1917485 : Add validations to machine object #96
Bug 1937694 : providerIDController ignore nodes that have no machine #95
Bug 1931215 : Add support for affinity group #80
Bug 1920905 : extract node machine ipaddress from the engine instead using DNS . #85
credentials: handle error in the strconv.Parsebool #94
add custom capo readme #88
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #91
Bug 1926346 : move to go 1.15 and #87
Updating ose-ovirt-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #83
Bug 1926278 : Bump K8s dependencies to 1.20 #86
Full changelog
Updating prom-label-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #330
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-53025 : Scraping: Bump cache iteration after error to avoid false duplicate detection. #245
MON-4104 : Update to 3.0 #227
OCPBUGS-48273 : fix(main.go): avoid closing the query engine until it is guaranteed to no longer be in use #241
OCPBUGS-45586 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.19 #238
NO-JIRA: [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.55.1 #236
NO-JIRA: [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.55.1 #235
NO-JIRA: [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.55.0 #234
MON-4065 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.55.0 #232
OCPBUGS-43378 : fix(discovery): Handle cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown in node informers’ DeleteFunc #229
OCPBUGS-41113 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #226
MON-3989 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.54.1 #223
MON-3989 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.54.1 #222
OCPBUGS-38622 : Restore Prometheus functionality to accept samples with different timestamps from the same series in a single scrape. #220
MON-3981 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.54.0 #219
MON-3981 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.54.0 #218
MON-3914 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.53.1 #215
OCPBUGS-37370 : backport of upstream fix #216
OCPBUGS-37244 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.53.1 #211
OCPBUGS-35483 : cherry-pick upstream fix to make PrometheusRemoteWriteBehind fire when remote endpoint is never reached. #213
OCPBUGS-36768 : cherry-pick upstream remote-write fix #210
MON-3914 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.53.0 #208
MON-3914 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.53.0 #206
OCPBUGS-34264 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #205
MON-3856 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.52.0 #202
MON-3856 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.52.0 #201
MON-3825 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.51.2 #200
MON-3825 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.51.2 #199
MON-3794 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.51.1 #198
MON-3794 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.50.1 #196
OCPBUGS-29981 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #197
MON-3673 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.49.1 #193
MON-3676 : move raptorsun out of reviewer list #194
MON-3673 : Bump Prometheus to v2.49.1 #192
MON-3633 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.48.1 #188
OCPBUGS-24745 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus-container image to be consistent with ART #187
MON-3528 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.48.0 #186
OCPBUGS-22743 : bump Prometheus to 2.48.0 (manual) #185
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.47.2 #181
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.47.2 #180
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.47.2 #179
OCPBUGS-21633 : update to v0.17.0 #173
update OWNERS file #172
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.47.0 #168
OCPBUGS-18846 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #169
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.46.0 #167
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.45.0 #166
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.44.0 #164
Dockerfile.ocp: update note about UI assets after switching to embed #165
OCPBUGS-12996 : Add missing assets after manual merge #162
OCPBUGS-12825 : Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #160
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.43.0 #158
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #156
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.42.0 #154
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.41.0 #153
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.40.7 #152
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.40.6 #151
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.40.5 #150
OCPBUGS-4273 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.40.4 #148
OCPBUGS-2873 : fix certificate reloads after rotation #145
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #147
Revert unwanted downstream patch #144
OCPBUGS-1718 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.39.1 #142
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #141
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.38.0 #140
OWNERS: Add myself, and move former team members to emeritus #139
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #137
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.37.0 #138
Bug 2099561 : Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.36.2 #136
Bug 2064984 : Update Prometheus to v2.36.1 #133
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #132
web/ui/.gitignore: unignore generated assets for downstream build #130
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.35.0 #128
Updates OWNERS file #124
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.34.0 #123
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.33.5 #122
Bug 2056802 : scrape: Fix label_limits cache usage #121
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.33.4 #120
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #119
Bug 2034192 : [bot] Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.32.1 #117
Don’t use dependabot #115
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.32.0 #104
Bump openshift/prometheus to v2.31.1 #103
Update scripts/ replacing yarn by npm #99
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #102
OWNERS: cleanup #101
Bump v2.30.3 #98
Bug 1943860 : Bump 2.30.0 #96
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #94
openshift: Add script to generate rh-manifest.txt #90
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #93
Bug 1999397 : Bump 2.29.2 #92
Bug 1986243 : bump 2.29 #91
Bug 1934324 : Update to 2.28.1 #89
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus images to be consistent with ART #88
Update OWNERS file to reflect new maintainers #87
Bug 1964332 : Update Version to 2.26.1 #86
Bug 1931281 : Bump Prometheus to v2.26.0 #84
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus builder & base images to be consistent with ART #79
Updating golang-github-prometheus-prometheus builder & base images to be consistent with ART #72
MON-1208 : Bump Prometheus to v2.24.1 #69
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-48171 : Update go 1.23 and ocp 4.19 #254
OCPBUGS-40772 : Bump go to 1.22.0 #248
NO-JIRA: fix outdated doc links #241
OCPBUGS-24916 : Bump to rhel9 #240
OCPBUGS-29583 : Apply hypershift cluster-profile for ibm-cloud-managed #234
AUTH-482 : set required-scc for openshift workloads #235
OCPBUGS-28230 : add FallbackToLogsOnError for easier debugging #230
API-1673 : Add description annotations to service CA secret and configmap #225
add ownership for unshared secrets and configmaps #220
OCPBUGS-21798 : go.mod: bump to v0.17.0 #223
OCPBUGS-19176 : Updating ose-service-ca-operator images to be consistent with ART #221
OCPBUGS-8512 : fix admission webhook CA injection #219
OCPBUGS-16536 : bump lib-go to get rid of the goproxy dep #213
OCPBUGS-12662 : bump kube to 1.27.1 #212
Updating ose-service-ca-operator images to be consistent with ART #211
API-1525 : Add openshift_service-ca namespace yaml to manifests dir #208
OCPBUGS-3195 : Return nil from start funcs after context is cancelled. #202
Bug 2048349 : make the operator react to workload logLevel configuration #196
Quality of life changes, fix e2e tests failing too often #197
Updating ose-cluster-authentication-operator images to be consistent with ART #192
Bug 2101880 : operator NS manifest: Set empty #194
manifests/deployment: comply to restricted pod security level #190
Bug 2034484 : feat: library-go bump #185
Golang bump 1.17 #183
Updating ose-service-ca-operator images to be consistent with ART #176
OWNERS: Add Bugzilla component #153
OWNERS: remove s-urbaniak #175
Bug 1987029 : Support external control plane topology #171
Bug 1984644 : bump lib-go to get 60s leaderelection tolerance for API outage + bump k8s #174
Bug 1986829 : metrics: use client cert auth for metrics scraping #173
Add s-urbaniak, remove marun from OWNERS #163
Bug 1981498 : add vulnerable legacy injector to allow for upgrade clusters to use … #167
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #164
readme: update references to developer guide #161
Bug 1948012 : Report the operator status as always upgradeable in serviceCA/cluster #154
Bug 1953563 : Add .ci-operator.yaml with build_root_image #158
Rename workload annotations #156
Bug 1948311 : DelegatingAuthenticationOptions TokenReview request timeout #157
Add management workload annotations #152
IBM Cloud manifest profile patch #151
Generate wildcard certificates matching pod host names for headless services #149
Updating ose-service-ca-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #148
Various e2e test fixes and cleanups #147
Random cleanups #150
Don’t ignore the minTimeLeft parameter to requiresRegeneration #143
Bug 1914446 : manifests: run the operator’s pod as non-root user #136
Fix (make verify) with Go 1.16 #142
Remove cleanup of 4.3 deployments that was safe to remove in 4.5 #141
Updating ose-service-ca-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #139
Full changelog
Source code for this page located on github